Why not use fresh sawdust as a fertilizer in the garden

  • Dec 27, 2019

Many gardeners use fresh sawdust to fertilize the soil and "insulation" of plants. In this article I want to talk about why it should not do.

By themselves, the sawdust is not a fertilizer. They contain:

  • Not more than 2% nitrogen;
  • hemicellulose;
  • Cellulose;
  • lignin;
  • Certain other substances that form the tree trunk.

Very poor and useless to feed composition. However, there is one "but." If the chips are long in the land, on the surface there are bacteria and microorganisms, which are impregnated with wood and beneficial trace elements necessary for plants. But, for this to take a long time.

Dangerous than fresh sawdust?

In the process of decay, fresh sawdust from the soil consume a large amount of nitrogen, which is so important for the growth and development of plants. In addition, fresh wood is a large number of resins which are harmful to horticultural crops.

In autumn, some gardeners fertilize the land with fresh sawdust in the hope that by spring they become useful nutritional weight. However, this happens very rarely. The thing is that the winter freeze and sawdust decay process is completely stopped.

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In addition, the timber itself comprises a plurality of phenolic resin, which in turn are natural preservatives and impede the process of decomposition.

What is to be done?

To filings have become a useful and nutritious fertilizer, they need to hold 2-3 years in a compost pit. When the wood will darken and begin to rot, the compost mass may be sent to the garden.

To summarize I want to say that the wood chips are an excellent fertilizer, you need only "a little" to wait.

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