What to buy FUM tape for winding on the thread

  • Dec 28, 2019

At the moment, the most reliable and user-friendly Thread sealing water pipe is considered preroll of flax with a sealing paste. To learn how to thread linen mastic is I said in previous articles. But there is a category of people, it's mostly newcomers to repair water utilities that use only fumkoy. But they are using the wrong tape. Which until podmotaesh - all izvedeshsya.

Choosing the right PTFE sealing material

Here are 4 types FUM .

The yellow and white packagingWith the right of the photo, the most worthless material. Thin, broken by a small load on the stretched strands. It sticks to everything. But not to the threads. When winding on the thread ends too soon. Cost-20 rubles.

The packaging is a red tape thickness decent, well-placed on the threads, small expense. On the thread takes three turns have cheap about 15 turns. Unit Stake - 60 rubles.

But best believe FUM tape used in the oil and gas industry, at one time managed skomunizdit.

I cut into pieces and use. Inventories at my age I have enough.

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To learn where you can apply the tape fum I'll discuss in the next article. Looking ahead to say. Fumku rarely used in exceptional cases.

As the mastic is linen, article here-link.

As the mastic is FUM tape Plumber - link.

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