Prepare the beds for the lazy

  • Dec 24, 2019
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New hobby gardeners - beds for the lazy. Enthusiasts invest in such buildings their hand, someone is unhappy, someone tells about the experience of all his friends. The method to be useful, you need to properly perform the construction and care for these ridges with the rules of compliance.

Beds. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Beds. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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What is lazy bed?

To build its best in the fall after harvest. Pre-break on garden plots boxes, pick durable sheet material for enclosing (residues roofing materials, metal profile, other rot-sheet width of at least 50 cm).

High beds. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
High beds. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

To fill the ridges fit:

  • leftovers from stubbing new territory;
  • Hard major stems (corn, sunflower, Jerusalem artichoke, etc..);
  • potato tops, squash and pumpkin whip.

Use can and branches after pruning of old garden and other wood waste.

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The main requirement for the lower tier fillers - rotting within 2-4 years. This piece will supply heat.

So that the ridge is not bred rodents, the bottom prostilayut fine mesh. Under the box you can make a shallow pit or positioned directly on top of the basic structure of soil. Depth of at least 50 cm, the distance between the ridges 50-70 cm, depending on the host convenience.

The ridge is filled?

All autumn residues that are often discarded, can be placed in a box on top of the rough base. The layer thickness of 30 cm, for deepening the trench backfill coarse portion if necessary. The remaining layers will occupy no more than 30 cm.

Location on. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Location on. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

The filling is carried out in several stages:

  • coarse residues large layer thicknesses;
  • tops, leaves and so on. - 5 cm;
  • removed turf, straw cutting and m. p. (5-15 cm);
  • hardwood residues mixed with fertile soil, if it is removed from the ridges (layer thicknesses, which allows the board).

Lazy ridge of high profitable to do, then they can be used longer. Tucked structure resembles a compost heap in which there is not too thick coating layer (residues foliage, soil, etc.).

How to use?

To warm ridge in the spring before, "woke up", sometimes the sun's heat is not enough. It occurs in lowland areas where they most often put. Preheat cake of organics can be boiling water (about 2 1 cubic meter bucket on a ridge). If the site is elevated and the beds are located near the southern wall of the building, they will warm right after the snow melts.

Bed with the cover material. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Bed with the cover material. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Planting seeds and seedlings can be in the medium term conventional methods. If the above pre-set arc ridge and pull covering material, to obtain a simple greenhouse, where the seedlings will feel more comfortable than in open beds.

In the first year, when the digestion of organic residues is intense, lazy ridge rationally used as greenhouses and greenhouses. They can be grown all cucurbits, early greens, cabbage seedlings in the spring, radishes and so on. N. If necessary, the upper layer can be made grooves and fill them with a simple vegetable garden soil. Tomatoes can be planted only in the wells, as in the greenhouse heating manure.

By the second year, the top of the organic Heated lose its force. If necessary, you can fall back to complement deposited filler fresh plant residues and ridges continue operation as greenhouses. But more often rotted material fill up with soil or compost last year, slightly loosen the surface. In the second year they are planted:

  • cabbage;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucurbits (marrows, cucumbers, squash and so forth.);
  • greens and radishes;
  • peppers, hot peppers.

During this period, the ridge is heated slowly decaying deeper layers. They do not give a strong heat, but cold snaps or unsuccessful seasons securely retain heat at the roots, and even on the surface.

On the third and fourth year of the processes of decay and subside ridge cools. Can grow and tomatoes, and peppers. On older ridges well succeed leguminous crops (broccoli, simple beans, peas, beans, etc.). can be planted and tobacco, any greens, squash, potato tubers, and if desired.

When operating several ridges for the lazy, made at different times, it is possible to observe and crop rotation, gradually releasing the boxes of filling and filling it with a new one.

original articleand many other materials can be found on ourwebsite.

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