Use the "Mole" for other purposes.

  • Dec 28, 2019

Many for cleaning pipes and siphons used special means decomposing deposits in the form of hair and fat. One of the available funds is a "mole".


For prevention of clogging periodically using it as sewage length, Ø 50 mm. It is 7 meters. Recently I decided to conduct prevention and poured into the siphon 150 gr. facilities. Part of the gel I have spilled onto the stone sink and I learned New properties of the gel. Stone sink with time lost original appearance and become brown. Tea bags in the sink aggravate the situation.

Tea bags in a stone sink increase pollution.
Tea bags in a stone sink increase pollution.
The surface covered by eventually washing microcracks, which is rubbed in the mud. Powders on the basis of soda could not cope with pollution, no matter how many they are not rubbed.

Pour means the surface. 50 oz. enough to produce the effect. We are waiting for 15 minutes for light pollution, and 30 minutes for the strong. In addition, neither of which rubbing is not necessary.

Mole cleans the sink.
Mole cleans the sink.

Smyvaem gel with surface cleaning and admire result.

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Mole and sink.
Mole and sink.

The sink was clean.

If 15 minutes means eating away the dirt, you can imagine what will happen to the living tissues of human beings! Especially if you fall on the mucous membrane of the mouth, throat and stomach. As it happened with the Bari Karimovich Alibasov. By the way I used the Mole, it has a cover with protection. And mixed up with bottles of milk and a bit hard of yogurt. But the well-known producer and musician apparently caught the old packaging. There is no protection unfortunately...

Use personal protective equipment when using household chemicals. Remove out of the reach of children!

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