How to grow mushrooms at the site - sow seedlings

  • Dec 24, 2019

Many summer residents are interested in how to grow mushrooms in the area. This requires seedlings, which are made simple.

Mushrooms growing on the site. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Mushrooms growing on the site. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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How to prepare inoculum solution

Sow mushrooms can be under trees or in the beds. There are several ways of cultivation in the country, but the easiest way to propagate their disputes.

Mushrooms. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Mushrooms. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

To do this, you need to take overripe fungus (it can be boletus or white), and then take off his hat. It is placed in a grinder, milled, after which the resulting mixture was placed in a bottle, which previously filled with water.

Then you need to ensure that disputes are awakened. In nature, it is done as follows. Hedgehog or rabbit eating grass, which are fungal spores. They pass through the intestine, they are affected by aggressive environment, which is why there is the breakdown of food.

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Dachnik must artificially recreate an environment. To do this, take the French yeast, enough for 2 hours. l. 1 liter of water. The mixture was added milled mushroom cap, stir, and then clean the bottle in a dry and cool place.

Enough to wait 1 month to debate became active. During this time, the bottom of the bottles of concentrate pellet that consists of pulp settled mushrooms - it should be removed. All that is on top, you need to pour into a container. This seeding solution. But we must understand that disputes there are a high concentration of them here billions. Therefore, in order to water beds, it is necessary to dilute the solution, reducing the concentration.

In barrel 1 a volume of water sufficient to add 200 l of 1 tbsp. solution. No longer need this concentration is enough to fungi began to grow in the area. Water poured from a barrel in a watering can, and then watered the ground under the trees, or the beds on which you grow mushrooms.

Gardeners should pay attention to what, under what tree they found a mushroom. If some oak, then grow a white fungus can be provided that in the area grow these trees. If the birch forest - the solution to be poured under the birches. This rule should not be neglected. White mushrooms, and birch mushrooms are a root system of trees in a close relationship. Predisposition to this connection, and inherit their disputes.

When to plant mushrooms

Vacationers who are already grown in areas mushrooms, believe that the period from May to September - the best time for planting.

Collect mushrooms. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Collect mushrooms. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Seedbed needs to be done under the tree. Before casting the solution, with a land located below the tree removed turf. Thereafter, a layer of earth is removed, logging site dust cover - it can be used instead of sawdust or fallen leaves.

The material is divided into two parts: one - is poured on a bed, a second - is mixed with the soil, and then placed on the first one. The thickness of each portion should be at least 10 cm.

Earth watered with a solution containing spores, ensuring that the soil was well moistened. Thereafter portion covered the last year's foliage.

There are varieties that grow upright. For example, for the oyster need boxes with holes on the sides, but they can be replaced with sacks.

Disputes well take root if the landing was carried out in cool weather. As long as the seedlings grow, it requires minimal maintenance. However, gardeners must ensure that the land does not dry on the bed. With a vertical way of growing soil regularly moisturize.

Once on the bed of the solution was poured, the first shoots, land is not loosened since This causes damage to the mycelium.

Fertilizing is not necessary, if used for the cultivation of a solution prepared in the home. But when buying industrial mycelium should read the instructions attached to the packaging.

Often the development of mycelium in the spring fertilization is needed, containing an activator of growth.

original articleand many other materials can be found on ourwebsite.

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