How does anti-magnetic seal on meters. Experiment.

  • Dec 28, 2019
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In conventional water meter magnet can be set, which leads to stop of the water meter. Such a possibility is not due to the perfect design of metering device. Often to detect theft of water by using neodymium magnets or conventional magnets of audio speakers controllers glued to the meter body anti-magnetic stickers.

Antimagnetic seal with a characteristic pattern.
Antimagnetic seal with a characteristic pattern.

It should be a normal non-magnetic label 20 rubles and more. Therefore, the management company to selectively apply them to the housing in the event if you-

1) Little water consumption, but written more than three people in the apartment.

2) Suspicious difference between the readings of the cold-water and hot water appliances.

3) The big difference between the readings of all the apartments and common house accounting unit.

4) Do not like the controller.

How triggered anti-magnetic seal?

In the primer sticker has a special powder of rare earth metals. Can manufacturer applied magnetic characteristic pattern on the surface of the capsule.

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Indicator magnetic influence
Indicator magnetic influence

Trays neodymium magnet to our counter.

neodymium magnet and anti-magnetic sticker.
neodymium magnet and anti-magnetic sticker.

The magnetic pattern within the cap disappears. To controller disappearance pattern is a signal that the user used the magnet.

And what will happen if you try to remove antimagnit?

Destruction stickers mechanically.
Destruction stickers mechanically.

The label is very well adhered to the body of the device. And it can not be removed without destroying the integrity.

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