Is it possible to throw used paper into the toilet? Experiment.

  • Dec 28, 2019

In many apartments often I see trash with used toilet paper. See use paper Chirkunov in an open bucket is not very nice, even I will say this - nauseating. But first let's deal with the fact that absolutely can not throw in the toilet.

Do not throw in the toilet:

1) Sealing for women. They are made of dense material which is not water soluble.

2) Tampons. Firstly, they do not dissolve, and secondly, they absorb moisture, increasing in volume, which leads to clogged drain.

3)Wipes, paper towels. The dense structure of the material.

4) The usual newspaper.

5) cat litter Fillers. Lead to silting of sewerage pipes.

Experiment for those who are still holding a bucket for the paper:

Let's try to figure out whether the toilet paper dissolves in the toilet. For clarity, he picked up the glass with hot water and a piece of ordinary toilet paper.

Immersing it in water for 15 minutes.


Toilet paper has lost its structure and density. There was only a slurry of cellulose. Which does not clog the drainage system.

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The toilet can only throw toilet paper. It dissolves and does not harm you or your neighbors. Do so, it is hygienic and convenient.

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