A reliable way to restore a crumbling wall. Cheap and durable.

  • Dec 10, 2020

When erecting brick structures, it is necessary to protect the material so that in the future it does not begin to collapse from the effects of water and dampness. And I'm not talking about ordinary plaster, which will not help get rid of the problem. It should not be allowed that there are places in the structure where moisture penetrates to the brick.

If the wall begins to collapse, you need to find out where the moisture comes from. Only after solving and eliminating this problem, you can directly proceed to repair.

As a rule, the problem lies in insufficient waterproofing. This is what we need to fight.

Options for restoring collapsed walls

If less than half the width of the brick is damaged, or the plaster has fallen off, taking part of the brick with it, you must first remove the damaged material. That which itself departs and falls away - take everything away.

Then treat the wall with Polygard or resin. This will help protect the material from water and moisture. After that, I recommend using expanded polystyrene or polyurethane foam for insulation. When the wall is dry, you can start cladding.
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There is a simpler option: using anchors, screw the mesh to the wall. Reinforce the brick with resin in advance, then cover the wall with a layer of plaster. You can dilute the solution with liquid glass for reliability. After exterior finishing, I advise you to cover the wall with a water repellent or liquid glass.

Photos from the site: diyb.ru

If the damage is more extensive and moisture has penetrated the brick to a thickness of up to 0.2 meters, then it is necessary to process the wall with resin, then lay a brick on the outer facade, and fill the resulting space insulation. Be sure to "walk" along the wall with a water repellent. A good option is Siloxil.

When the destruction has penetrated even deeper, the only option is to remove the brick and erect columns. The wall must be pre-treated with synthetic resin.
The plinth can be poured with reinforced concrete, the main thing is to process the brick with resin.

We fasten the reinforcement to the wall with anchors, form the formwork, and then pour concrete there. Do not forget to add additives to the solution that will repel moisture. We process the outer surface of the brick with a water repellent.

Your goal is to prevent moisture from getting deep into the brick. Also, the material should not be allowed to freeze. Otherwise, it will begin to collapse and the entire wall will collapse without timely repair.

Remember to use water glass with additives, otherwise the clean product will destroy the brick.

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