Fried chanterelles canning for the winter

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Fungi can not only pickling, but also to preserve roasted. In winter, nice to open a jar and enjoy the delicious food, but also remember the summer. Fried chanterelles in winter is well suited as a dish that can be served to the festive table. They can have dinner, when there is no time to cook other food.

Fried chanterelles. Illustration for an article used open source
Fried chanterelles. Illustration for an article used open source

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To cook fried chanterelles for preservation in the banks need to:

  • 1 kg of mushroom;
  • 125-150 ml of sunflower oil;
  • 3-4 pieces. laurel;
  • 1 onion;
  • salt - to taste.

Sunflower oil, which is used for frying chantarelle can be replaced with another similar product (suet, butter, etc.).

Cooking method

For the preservation of better use of the mushrooms that were just picked. Previously frozen Chanterelle will also be suitable for winter harvesting.

Preparation of chanterelles. Illustration for an article used open source
Preparation of chanterelles. Illustration for an article used open source
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Fresh mushrooms should be cleaned. If chanterelle collection took place by twisting the legs, it is necessary to cut off part of it, where the soil is present. After removal of adhered needles or other rubbish, mushrooms folded in a pot (or other container), and with cold water. Soaking is necessary in order to have a good wash products.

In 20-30 minutes you can continue cooking. Each mushroom inspect for defects, if they are, then this part is removed with a knife. A hat is not cleaned and washed under running water. Leg must be carefully scratched with a knife. If foxes are large, they can be cut into several parts. After cleaning folded mushrooms in a colander and rinsed again under running water.

Chanterelles in the winter. Illustration for an article used open source
Chanterelles in the winter. Illustration for an article used open source

While excess fluid will drain, put the pan on the fire and pour a small amount of oil. Mushrooms pour on the hot bottom of the dish.

Despite the fact that in a few minutes chanterelles start to give moisture to the bottom of the pan pour a small amount of oil. If you do not, then part of the product will burn.

Mushrooms cover with a lid and leave on the plate. After 15-20 minutes, most of the liquid, which gave chanterelles disappear. Therefore, you should add them to the pan a little oil. After another 20 minutes, remove the lid and add the spices.

In addition salt, onion and bay leaf, can improve the taste of food black pepper or cinnamon (optional).

Chanterelles continue to fry over low heat, until they acquire a golden hue. During this time it will have time to prepare and onions.

Preservation must be carried out in sterilized jars. When food in the pan will be ready, they must shift into a glass container. The banks do not burst from the hot, pre-should be warmed (or borrow from the sterilizer immediately). The residual oil in the pan is poured into banks so that it covered the top of the workpiece to 1-1.5 cm.

In warm (not hot) water is lowered cans fried mushrooms and sterilized. After 35-50 minutes of roll container lids (also sterilized), inverted and wrapped. After cooling, winter preform can be removed in a cellar.

original articleand many other materials can be found on ourwebsite.

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