How to steam up a bath broom for a long time?

  • Dec 10, 2020

A broom is an essential "accessory" for any sauna. It is important not only to do it correctly, but also to steam it correctly. I will make a reservation right away - the only correct way to steam a broom does not exist. Bath attendants use different "techniques" to which they come by trial and error. But if you collect this experience, then you can conditionally highlight several generally accepted options for parking.

Method one

For steaming, you will need two basins - with cold and hot water. Before starting the procedure, the broom is rinsed in running warm water. Then it is lowered into a basin of cold water, where it must be kept for 2-3 minutes. In a basin with warm water, the broom "infuses" a little longer - for five minutes. After that, boiling water is poured into the same basin.

It is recommended to add boiling water gradually to avoid sharp temperature contrast. To prevent the water from cooling down quickly, the basin is covered with a lid for 10 minutes. This time is enough for the branches to gain elasticity, and the leaves - elasticity. If the removed broom begins to fall apart, then this is a sign that it has been overexposed in the water.

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Method two

Broom preparation starts early. It is placed in cold water for 12-15 hours (a basin of warm water is no longer needed). Before bathing procedures, the broom is removed from the water and wrapped in a damp cloth. In this state, you bring it to the steam room and leave it on the lower shelf for 10-15 minutes. - in order for it to warm up. This method promotes the most gentle steaming and ensures the preservation of the leaves.

Method three

You will need a whole day to fully steam the broom. The dry broom is wrapped in a wet cloth and left for 24 hours. During this time, the branches and leaves will absorb exactly the amount of moisture they need. Before visiting the bath, remove the broom from the fabric and gently scald it with boiling water - after that it will be completely ready for use.

Method four

The method is suitable for those who do not want to bother with long preparation procedures. All you need is a basin filled with boiling water. Dip a broom into it for 5-7 minutes and carefully remove it. Make sure that the branches and leaves are not boiled in boiling water, otherwise the broom will become sluggish and unsuitable for a bath. The heated broom is moved to the steam room and dried over the stove.

You may have noticed that I did not name the exact time for steaming the broom. The reason is that this factor is influenced by the type of broom.

Birch, linden, oak, coniferous, mountain ash brooms suggest an individual approach. Some species take longer to absorb moisture, while others react quickly to hot water.

Affects the duration of the parking and the approach of the attendant. Someone likes tougher brooms, someone tries to soften them as much as possible. Everyone has their own tastes, but it should be remembered that steaming can only be done with a damp broom. As it dries, it must be doused with water. By neglecting this step, you risk leaving deep scratches on your skin.