Goji or Dereza? Berries that made a lot of noise among those who want to maintain their health and How to grow them

  • Dec 10, 2020

More recently, with the popularity of all kinds of weight loss diets, goji berries have become fashionable as a miracle cure. Rumor is not stingy, praising these berries and their effects on the body. And I must admit, the praise is well deserved. But is this guest from the Middle Kingdom not so familiar? Or has she long settled in our forests and gardens, only we know her under a different name?

Tibetan monks, finding an unusual shrub high in the mountains, appreciated the unique qualities of its fruits. Gradually, the bushes descending from the mountains, settled in the valleys. The Chinese began to call goji nothing else but “The berry of happiness».

From the Celestial Empire, not particularly demanding on soil and care, the shrub spread to Russia, Europe, and somewhat later to the American continent. In Russia, bright red berries growing on shrubs, on the sunny edges of the forest, were called "wolf berry". Botanists gave the plant the name Dereza.

Dereza was harvested on the edges, ate fresh, dried, added to jelly and compotes. In winter, dried berries were a delicacy for children, protecting them from winter beriberi.

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When the goji berries came to the attention of nutritionists, they were simply shocked by the set of minerals and vitamins. And also, by how harmoniously nature has collected so many useful substances in a small, less than 2 centimeters, berry.

Dereza is a short, one and a half to two meters, shrub with a strong habit. Shoots are covered with sharp thorns. Dereza blooms throughout the summer with fragrant melliferous flowers. The plant is resistant to cold climates, tolerates frosty winters well down to -20˚С.

Dereza bush (Goji)

Goji can be propagated both by rooted cuttings, root suckers, and by sowing seeds.

1) Seed reproduction. Ripe berries are thoroughly kneaded, poured over with water and stirred well.

  • Allow to settle for 2-3 minutes, the water is carefully drained. Water is added again, stirred, defended, drained. Repeat the operation three to four times until clean seeds remain at the bottom.
  • Surface sowing is carried out in moist soil. Maintain at a temperature of 22-25˚С.

During the germination period, the soil should be moist at all times. Saplings are planted in individual containers. They are transplanted to a permanent place at the age of two.

2) Propagation by rooted cuttings. For cuttings, one-two-year-old shoots with four to five buds are cut. The lower edge, under the kidney, is cut obliquely with a sharp secateurs. Upper, 1 cm above the kidney, at right angles. For rooting, cuttings, previously kept for 4-6 hours in a solution of a root formation stimulant, are installed in a school, immersing 1-2 buds. The composition of the soil of the school: a mixture in equal parts of peat and coarse river sand. A mini-greenhouse is being built over the school.

3) Reproduction by root suckers. Dereza bushes actively form root suckers, therefore they grow rather quickly. Having chopped off the offspring with the shoot from the root, the shoot is shortened, leaving no more than 3-4 buds on it and planted in a permanent place.

As a rule, seedlings obtained by rooting cuttings and root suckers begin to bear fruit in the third year after planting.

Place the planting in a well-sunlit place. It does not have any special requirements for the soil. Does not like waterlogging.

Caring for dereza, the one that is called: "couldn't be easier." "The berry of happiness" itself will not allow the neighborhood with weeds, so it will not have to weed. She also does not like waterlogging, and she will have to be watered only in extremely dry periods. In early spring, you will have to cut out about a third of the old shoots, that's all the care.

Composition and benefits of goji berries

Due to the optimal ratio of vitamins and minerals, wolfberry fruits have a versatile effect on the body:

  • vitamins and zinc improve male potency;
  • manganese, improving the functioning of the pancreas, helps to reduce blood glucose;
  • iron, provides an optimal level of hemoglobin;
  • magnesium, normalizes the nervous system, prevents depression;
  • iodine is necessary for the body, thanks to it the thyroid gland functions normally.


Goji, possessing a large number of biologically active substances, has a number of contraindications. Doctors do not recommend it to expectant and nursing mothers, patients with irregular heart rhythms, and people prone to allergies.

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