My indispensable assistant in pest control - "Magic" (as I call it) ammonia. Thanks to granny for the valuable advice

  • Dec 10, 2020

All gardeners are divided into two "types": innovators who use modern chemicals in pest control and "old believers" who prefer good old folk remedies.

I, undoubtedly, belong to the latter, preferring to do without synthesized means and other "poison" in the garden. And all this thanks to my grandmother, who taught me a lot. And I consider ordinary ammonia as one of my best assistants on the "front line" in the struggle for a healthy rich harvest.


Obsessive insects can ruin the summer cottage season not only for a person, but also for his garden plantings. For example, the carrot crop can seriously "cut down" carrot fly. To prevent this from happening, water the ridges a couple of times a month with a weak solution of ammonia: 1-2 ml per five-liter bucket of water.

To intimidate onion fly the solution is prepared in a slightly more saturated concentration: 3-4 tablespoons per 10 liters of water. Water the onion in the evening - in addition to getting rid of the pests, such a "shower" will give the bulbs the nutrients contained in the ammonia solution to drink.

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And other "enemies": Aphids, wireworms and weevils

A serious scourge when growing potatoes remains wireworm, which also does not "like ammonia". Before planting, I spill each well with an ammonia solution. The proportion is the same as for onions. This obsessive pest will not stick into such an "apartment" - it has been tested in practice!

Another enemy of onions and garlic - weevil. June is the peak of its harmful activity, once a week I spill the ridges with ammonia in the proportion of 25 ml per 10-liter bucket of water. I add a little laundry soap to the same solution, which has the same antibacterial properties.

Ammonia solution + laundry soap quickly removes plants from aphids. The formula of the "magic elixir" is as follows: a bucket of water + 50 grams of grated laundry soap + 5 tbsp. l. ammonia = healthy vegetables and a happy gardener!


In the household, ammonia solution is also irreplaceable. This is a whole "dry cleaning" in one bottle! He helps out with plants on the windowsills, over which you can often see small midges. To get rid of this uninvited "living creatures" I make an infusion: 3 tbsp. l. ammonia + 2 liters. separated water. I spray the plants with this solution once a week - until the midges completely disappear.

Important! Due to the fact that ammonia evaporates quickly, a solution with it must be prepared and applied as quickly as possible. Do not forget to wear gloves and a protective mask for this.


Since ammonia is used in medicine to raise blood pressure, people with hypertension should work with it with extreme caution. Take advantage of our advice, and the victory over garden pests will be yours!

By the way! I almost forgot to look at you one more photo (below)

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