How to get rid of moles without much "chemistry" or 5 Steps to saving wardrobe

  • Dec 24, 2019
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 How to get rid of moles without much "chemistry".
How to get rid of moles without much "chemistry".

Worst nightmare most fashionistas: producing, finally, a mink coat, hang it to "rest" in the closet, and a bald head... dostaosh from moths. Horror, carry valerian! But even if you - an ardent opponent of fur, sometimes still have to protect the clothing from the encroachments of hungry insects. Calm, these tips will force moles to stay away from your closet. And even without much "chemistry".

And if this night you will see ...
And if this night you will see ...

Such a small insect is capable of both large mole spoil and clothing, and nerves. Believe me, it's easier just to ward off parasites from the cabinet, than for a long time it "treat". But the mole is exactly fly around the side of your clothes, if you follow the rules for control and prevention. And once found traces of her presence in things, then immediately do this.

Step 1: Wash!

Without washing can not do.
Without washing can not do.

Submit all the clothes in the "kill zone" in the washing machine. Wash in hot water and carefully with a powder or liquid detergent. Dry things on moderately hot mode to finally finish a potentially emerging aquatic larvae procedure. If the mole started up in the kitchen, then no regrets throw away all cereals. After all, there have probably wound up uninvited "neighbors".

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Step 2: cleaning with a vacuum cleaner

... have to vacuum the closet.
... have to vacuum the closet.

Arm with a vacuum cleaner and thoroughly Vacuum inside the closet and the room to boot. And it is better to the apartment. Dust bag after cleaning necessarily throw. Because with it you will surely get rid of numerous moth larvae.

Step 3: in bags

Restrict access to the "food".
Restrict access to the "food".

The most reliable way to avoid unpleasant acquaintance with moth - keep things in a plastic bag with a zipper. Ideally, the vacuum. So you restrict access to the insect "buffet". The same applies to cereals in the kitchen.

Step 4: natural remedy for moles

Lavender in the past. Give cedar!
Lavender in the past. Give cedar!

Still think the mole is afraid of lavender? In fact, the insect much stronger than hate cedar. But just fragrant. The molecules responsible for the pungent smell of the tree serve as a powerful repellent. So the easiest way to ward off parasites from the cabinet - hang in there a few cedar plates and occasionally dig their respective essential oil. Cheap and cheerful. Anyway, for the moth.

Step 5: Do not forget about cleaning

Mole likes natural.
Mole likes natural.

To mol stayed away from home, you need weekly vacuuming and wiping dust. Pay particular attention to "natural" things: Carpets made of wool, fur, antique dolls with real hair, as well as the "property" of pets. Mol their attacks in the first place. Then all the clothes will definitely be in order.

And do not forget that's the 13 things that urgently need to throw to keep a brothel house and chance.
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