Folk remedies for weevils and ticks on strawberries are for me the main salvation of the harvest. I developed a strawberry bed as soon as we acquired a summer cottage. Well, how can you do without this incomparable berry, which already in June begins to delight with the harvest?
But the trouble is, ripe, fragrant and excellent taste strawberries or raspberries are overcome by obstinate "connoisseurs" of this delicacy - weevils and ticks. If you give them free rein, then they are ready to get their hands on, or rather, paws, the whole harvest.
Folk remedies for weevil on strawberries
There are many drugs against them, but harmful insects begin to "rage" exactly at the moment the fruits ripen.
I never use chemical preparations, but use folk methods.
I have long been using excellent folk methods of pest control. These are powerful biological agents against all kinds of parasites.
Preserving the planting of fragrant and tasty berries from the freaks of pests is not an easy, but doable task. What can you not do to taste your favorite treat from the garden at the beginning of summer!
How to get rid of pests on strawberries with garlic
In the spring, for the preparation of the infusion, I use 3 heads of garlic directly with the husk. I chop it with a knife and place the vigorous mixture in a bucket with 10 liters of warm water. For a day I insist and sprinkle young bushes.
In the summer, when the garlic shoots out in the beds, I cut them off and use them for culinary purposes. I not only salt, but also fry. And I use a part to prepare a slaughter infusion.
- 100 g of crushed arrows pour 5 liters of water.
- I insist at least 12 hours.
- I fill the container with strained infusion and spray the bushes.
Harmful insects do not like the specific pungent smell of garlic. As a result, they leave this "dining room".
For several years now I have been planting garlic in the aisles of a strawberry garden. This joint planting has a positive effect on both plants. The heads of garlic grow larger, and the berry is under reliable protection.
Treatment of strawberries from weevils and other pests during flowering and fruiting with dandelion
Absolutely free, but very effective infusion of dandelion leaves drives away, like a powerful broom, all lovers of strawberry feast.
- Dandelion leaves in the amount of 500 g pour 10 liters of hot water (50 degrees).
- I insist 10 - 12 hours.
- After straining, I reheat the liquid and arrange a hot shower for insects.
I try to process strawberry bushes from the underside of the leaves. Indeed, it is there that pests are trying to disguise themselves and escape.
After such a "water procedure" villains, weevils and ticks lose the desire to eat my berry.
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