I never thought that having planted these 4 varieties of eggplant, I would grab my head and say: "What to do with so much harvest ?!"

  • Dec 10, 2020

Some gardeners prefer large vegetables to a more universal size, which is more convenient for harvesting and, as practice shows, is better stored.

Today I will share my four favorite varieties of eggplant, which are not gigantic in size, but ripen earlier than their large-sized counterparts, they are distinguished by friendly and long-term fruiting, as well as impeccable taste qualities.

The mushroom picker's dream

Fantastic variety! Incredibly good-looking in every sense: handsome (neat oval shape, snow-white), does not taste bitter at allhas a delicate mushroom flavor, ideal for canning and preparing all kinds of hot and cold culinary delights.

Eggplant "Dream of a mushroom picker"
Eggplant "Dream of a mushroom picker"

Moreover, this early hybrid surprisingly fruitful: The fruits are relatively small (200-250 g), but there are many of them on compact bushes. It is grown both in open ground and in greenhouses, unpretentious in care.

Fabulous prince

If you do not believe in fairy tales - in vain! When you see a bush covered from head to toe with black-purple fruits, you will have to believe! With a small mass (150-200g),

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fruit length reaches 30 cm! The height of the bush itself is 60-75 cm.

Eggplant "Fairy Prince"
Eggplant "Fairy Prince"

The variety is "fabulously" resistant to temperature extremes and diseases. Suitable for growing in all regions of Russia - from the South to the North, Siberia and the Far East.

Ural Express

Named so for the speed of its maturation - perhaps earliest variety known to date.

Eggplant "Ural Express"
Eggplant "Ural Express"

But the most valuable is its ability to resist spider mites and (attention!) colorado beetle - thunderstorm of all fields and gardens. For some reason, the Express does not touch this monster, which is strange: dark purple "clubs" up to 20 cm long. possessexcellent taste!

Boyarin F1

This is a variety for lovers of garden classics. Verified super early ripening hybrid: guaranteed yield 110 days after sowing seeds in the ground. Form - standard cylindrical, color - dark purple. Fruit weight 200-250 g, the height of the bush is 120-135 cm. There are a lot of ovaries on the bush, so the fruiting period is longer than other brethren.

We love everyone, without exception, for high yield and for not being picky about growing conditions.

Eggplant "Boyarin F1"
Eggplant "Boyarin F1"

Very tender, juicy, snow-white pulp without voids pleases with a clean "eggplant" taste - without bitterness and extraneous tastes.

High quality and reliable seeds all these wonderful fruitful varieties I have been ordering here for the 5th year already.Mail delivery is fast and hassle-free. The prices are more than pleasant. The germination rate is excellent. The crops are always at their best. What do we, gardeners still need! I'm happy, maybe it will come in handy for you. By the way, I always buy there and flower seeds, and great fertilizers for their little ones.

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