The wife, using foil, practically stopped washing and cleaning the stove

  • Dec 10, 2020

Another innovation from my wife. Where did she get it from, she does not inject. But as I indulge her in everything, I don't have to do anything else. God forbid he kicks me out, but I live on its territory, then I have to live in hostels, or a room is worn out and cheaper to rent.

Therefore - "henpecked". And what to do, I did not work on my own corner. There is, of course, half an apartment in the Moscow region, but I am not ready to live there now.

You get used to good things quickly, and even more so to Moscow. After all, not much is not enough, I have been living in the capital for 26 years. Moreover, all this time on the territory of his wife! It is convenient to get to work, and our capital is beautiful.

Maybe not everyone will understand me, but this is how a life situation developed. Therefore, whatever she comes up with, I try to bring everything to life.

Photo: Yandex Pictures
Photo: Yandex Pictures

This time the conversation will be about the stove. Every housewife knows that when cooking, food sometimes pops out of the pots and pans. And de it all turns out, you ask?

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On the stove, I will answer!

My wife, in order not to wash the stove often, during my next trip to Auchan and buying groceries for a week, ordered me to buy five rolls of foil, and the cheaper it is, the better!

Moreover, the quality of the foil was not important to her. While cooking, this is not an unimportant fact. I wondered why she needed her? What else did she think of?

Photo: Yandex Pictures
Photo: Yandex Pictures

I went to Auchan, walked through the previously written list, and I did not forget to buy more foil, namely five rolls, the cheapest one.

I came home, unloaded my bags. The wife was only interested in foil.

Quite a strange situation. What she will feed us for a week will not be interesting, and the foil was at the forefront.

Photo: Yandex Pictures
Photo: Yandex Pictures

Grabbing a roll of foil, she began to roll it out and fit it to the hob.

I stood in amazement. I did not understand for what purpose she was doing all this.

In the end, everything turned out to be simple, as it cannot be. She spread the foil on the horizontal surface of the stove, where the burners are located.

After performing this operation, she cried out: "That's it!"

Photo: Yandex Pictures
Photo: Yandex Pictures

Now the stove will not need to be washed. And absolutely all the same, if milk, broth escapes, fat will drip. The stove is fully protected!

I was surprised, but agreed with her reasons. Now, any product that does not live in a saucepan or frying pan, boiling away, running away, will end up not on the drink, but on the foil that the wives have laid.

Now her feint is clear. As soon as the foil gets dirty, we throw it away now and put a new one. In this case, the stove will not get dirty.

Brilliant solution, respect to my wife!

Do you use such an interesting way to protect the stove from dirt?

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