Why a house that is being built "for centuries" will be unnecessary for our grandchildren?

  • Dec 10, 2020
Dilapidated House (Source: https://pixabay.com)
Dilapidated House (Source: https://pixabay.com)

I greet you, dear guests and subscribers of the channel "Build for Myself"!

During their adult life, you often hear that people, when building their own home, they always try to lay it down thoroughly - "for centuries", so that children, grandchildren or great-grandchildren leave a legacy after yourself.

Throughout our lives we hunch back to finally reach the long-awaited goal - to build a reliable and roomy house, to collect on weekends all your relatives at the festive table and then leave the acquired inheritance to your loved ones children.

In the process of creating our own shelter, we thoroughly lay each stage: we use the best concrete for the foundation, providing 3 multiple safety margin, we erect walls made of durable materials, choose insulation and other building materials with a service life of 50+ years old...

But what is a house built 50 years ago?

If you look back, then these are houses of the 60-70s, which constantly require investments in repairs and restoration. large elements, all communications must be replaced, and only cosmetic repairs will not correct the situation. Would you like to live in such a house? Of course no.

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If we put ourselves in the place of a grandson or granddaughter, then look - where is grandfather's house now? The lion's share of the people who surround us live in completely different places, and the grandfather's house has rather become an object of inheritance, a bone of contention between children.

Usually, the situation is that strangers already own the houses of our close relatives.

Why is this happening?

It is possible to imagine and project into the future generation our attitude to the past, as 50 years from now will be the case with our relatives:

1. Now, looking at the house of the 60s, we can say that it is morally outdated. What we have in a 50 year old house:

a) Is the wiring weak? Yes!
b) Is the bathroom small? Yes!
c) is the ceiling low? Yes!

Perhaps you still remember something...

Please note that progress is taking place by leaps and bounds, other values ​​are being formed in people, and it is unlikely that my home today will please my grandchildren. And more likely they will tell me: grandfather, you have a house without voice control! Why do we need this old stuff ?!

2. The current construction site will not be prestigious.

For example: earlier, people tried to grab a plot in a metropolis - it was prestigious! And now, more and more often we run outside the cities to take a breath of fresh air. Further territorial development can go in any direction, and now this cannot be foreseen.

3. The house can become very far from the place of actual residence or from the place of work.

Now we cannot even imagine how the life of our descendants will unfold. How we want and how we want our grandson to live are different things and projecting our experience and worldview onto another person, even a loved one, is self-deception and dreams of a separate subject!

But what to do and how to live?

The only answer is to live now! Build a house based on your needs today with a small planning margin, i.e. with the longest prospect for 20 years ahead and this is the maximum, even 20 is a lot.

Photo source - https://mamainthecity.ru/

Because the values ​​of each person change from year to year and things that we are now looking at with one attitude, in a year or two we will look at them with completely different eyes!

Agree that, for example, for a young average family, a reasonable decision would be to build a house of 130-160 sq.m. This is a very good option for the money - equal to the cost of an average apartment! A family in such a house can also plan 3 children: 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a spacious kitchen and a living room. What else do you need?
I see at my friends' houses of 250-300 square meters, which not only take away part of the useful land, but also the tenants - they all live only on the first floor, and the rest of the area is occupied by the so-called "cleaning rooms", into which only a woman enters and only to wipe the dust a couple of times a month.

Why are these spending and show-off if no one needs it, neither now nor later?

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