How do we cook crayfish on the Don?

  • Dec 10, 2020
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Greetings, dear guests!

We live in the suburbs of g. Rostov-on-Don and this region is rich in river inhabitants. In every market, the stalls are full of both fish and crayfish.

I have long wanted to write an article about how it is customary for us to cook crayfish, and finally got around to it, because yesterday I brought a good catch from one of the reservoirs flowing into the Don!

So, the first step is to make sure that all crayfish are alive. The fact is that their meat decomposes very quickly and one spoiled specimen can spoil the dinner. To do this, pour them into a large container and sort them out. I usually do this in the bathroom, there they and wash them right away (if the cancer is in the sludge, then I take an old toothbrush and brush under the tail and abdomen).

Secondly, I use a stainless steel pan, as aluminum immediately reacts with sulfur, which is contained in the crayfish shell. In this connection, the taste deteriorates and the aluminum pan turns black.

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So, while the crayfish are crawling in the water, we prepare the broth.

Here's what we need:

  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • stalks of dry dill and its seeds;
  • Bay leaf;
  • garlic;
  • butter;
  • bell pepper;
  • bitter pepper and allspice peas - to taste.

I always make the broth rich in taste and rich in smell, for this I add 1 liter. water:

  • 1.5 tablespoons of salt without a slide;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • clove of garlic;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • 2 tablespoons of seeds (or 1 dill broom)

And for the whole pan - 1 bell pepper.

Be sure to try the broth during the boiling process, in which case, add spices to taste.

Leave the broth to boil for 5-7 minutes, then pour out the crayfish. Make sure that the water completely covers the arthropods and cover with a lid. We follow the beginning of boiling.

If crayfish are undercooked - that is, there is a risk of swallowing helminths, if digested, then the meat disintegrates and you will not get pleasure from eating.

The cooking time directly depends on the size of the crayfish and is as many minutes as the carapace of an average crayfish (from the beginning of the eyes to the root of the last petals of the tail) is in centimeters. In my case, about 9 cm. and 9 minutes over low heat.

After the cooking time, turn off the heat and let it brew for about 15 minutes. The main thing is that you need to cook crayfish immediately before eating, since they have been lying for a while and lose their taste and aroma.

After that, we drain the water and the dish can be served to the table.

Enjoy your meal!

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