Step by step instructions on pruning pears

  • Dec 24, 2019

For normal wintering fruit trees require pruning. It should be carried out in compliance with all rules and taking into account the important features. If properly cut off the pears in the fall, then the next year they will give a good harvest.

Pears on the site. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Pears on the site. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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Advantages and disadvantages of autumn crop

Crop can bulb in the spring, summer or fall. To select the most appropriate time, it is necessary to examine the pros and cons of each option. Experienced gardeners recommend to perform the procedure in autumn. Such pruning has the following advantages:

  • opportunity to form a crown, which will be convenient to gather fruits;
  • provoking plants to increase yields;
  • increase the area of ​​absorption of sunlight;
  • improving the quality of fruit.

All defects may only occur at wrong the operation. Among the most frequently isolated: vymerzanie plants and reduced yields.

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Nuances of operation

In order not to damage the wood, you need to adhere to the general rules of operation. They are the same for all kinds of pears, so gardeners do not have to study the characteristics of the processing of each tree.

Pears on a branch. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Pears on a branch. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

The main nuances:

  • Trim pears should be in early September, which will give the opportunity next year to get a good harvest.
  • If you remove too many branches, the tree will begin to form shoots. This will require a lot of power, which would reduce the number of fetuses.
  • Prohibited conduct cutting at a temperature below 0ºC.
  • To cut healed quickly, it is necessary to remove branches at their base.
  • SPIL is necessary to process any available composition, which can protect the damaged trees from pests and pathogens.
  • Pruning young pears should be carried out only one year after planting. In this case, you should try to form a correct crown and cause the plant to produce fruit branches.
  • Old pear need to spend a rejuvenating trim. This will enable the plant to save from death and increase the number of ripe fruit. In these trees remove all branches that prevent the growth of shoots.

Step-by-step instruction

Equipment cutting fruit trees in autumn is a little different from the spring or summer of procedure. Before winter you need as carefully as possible to carry out all actions, as any mistake can lead to the death of a pear.

Pears. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Pears. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

The correct sequence of actions:

  • In the first stage cut down all the dry and diseased branches. If you leave them for the winter, the tree will be more difficult to carry strong frosts. Moreover, adhering snow can break the damaged branches. They will fall to healthy and severely damage them.
  • Remove branches that grow at a right angle to the trunk. Due to the nature of the location of these plants can not withstand heavy snow.
  • Cut healthy branches that interfere with the normal growth of its "neighbors".
  • About a third undercut the remaining branches.

Autumn pruning pear is a simple operation, which can handle even a novice gardener. To eliminate the possibility of errors, it is necessary to act according to standard rules and do not forget about the important features.

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Read more:Pruning of fruit trees: how and when to carry out