I try gel sealant for threaded connections (very easy assembly, but where there is simplicity

  • Dec 10, 2020
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Good afternoon, dear guests and subscribers of the "Build for myself" channel!

I would like to say a few words about the first impression after using the anaerobic gel sealant. This is really the easiest way to connect plumbing elements of all that exist at the moment. No effort or special tools are required: smeared, twisted by hand and waited 20 minutes. Everything. The hands are clean, the connection at first glance is sealed and the time required is at least 3 minutes.

How it's done:

The kit consists of two units: a stick and a tube with a sealant itself. Under the action of fire, the stick turns into a brush, for this you need to hold it over the fire for 10-15 seconds and then rub it on a solid object.

After that, I applied three drops to the internal thread (this is not required according to the instructions, but we are Russian people, it is better to play it safe) and completely coated the external thread.

The connection will be carried out by 4 turns, so I did not apply gel to the entire area of ​​the thread.

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Now, manually twist to the required depth and remove with a brush the excess sealant that was squeezed out after twisting. The main thing is that in the process of twisting, return the part a half turn back several times so that the sealant is guaranteed to fill all the grooves of the thread.

Everything! The connection is ready and after 20 minutes it can be installed into the system at a low pressure of the working medium, and after an hour it can be operated already at 10 atm.

In fact, before buying, I read a lot of articles and watched more than one video, and only after that I decided to buy a gel. I'm not a professional craftsman, and even more so - not a plumber, I just do everything for myself and, I really can say that this species connections are made without effort at all and are very tempting for people who decide to do everything with their own hands or for self-taught beginners.

Compared to other types of sealing, where we, by means of the tightening force of the parts, feel whether the thread is sufficiently sealed or not, it is completely incomprehensible here whether the thread is filled with gel. And only a uniform squeezing out of the sealant around the entire perimeter of the joint indicates the complete filling of the turns, at least - so the manufacturer claims. If this does not happen, the connection is considered a leak.

Plus, the ease of connection now allows anyone to call themselves a plumber on an electronic bulletin board. This is similar to the fact that now anyone can buy a welding machine for polypropylene for 1,500 rubles and install heating under the guise of a pro.

Previously, thread sealing with flax or other material stopped many, now the threaded connection is so it becomes problem-free and does not confuse anyone, since not a single special tools.

Armed with only a "soldering iron" and a tube of gel, every second person can be a "jack of all trades" in the field of installation of communications, including water supply and heating.

Thanks for attention!

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