Fertilizing of pepper in August

  • Dec 24, 2019

That pepper the heart in August, experienced gardeners know. In autumn matures a lot of vegetables. Useful cultures, including peppers, require careful maintenance.

Fertilizing pepper. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Fertilizing pepper. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

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Formula feeding and anti-rot

Many amateur gardeners choose the best recipe for pepper fertilization. He is a snap. Pre-assembled roots, nettle leaves, dried banana skins are placed in a container of 20 liters. Water is not heated to boiling and pour fertilizer 2/3 volume dishes. The resulting composition was placed in a dark and warm. After a few days a special smell appears, which indicates that the dressing is ready.

Growing peppers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Growing peppers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

The resulting mixture was poured into 1000 ml of extract from wood ashes. Fertilize the plants, since the first of August, when the bushes form a large fruit.

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Some vegetable growers-fans add to the feeding vermicompost. After the fruits of this work are large, fleshy. In this case, completely eliminating the need to use fertilizers.

Sometimes apical rot can occur in large vegetables. In this case it is necessary to prepare in advance a composition which includes calcium nitrate. Processing plants will prevent them from developing severe disease.

For spraying pepper bushes must dissolve 20 g of ammonium nitrate in 10 liters of water. If the gardener is going to carry out foliar fertilizer, enough 10-15 liters per bucket of water. Treatment is carried out 1 day a week until the plant will not recover.

Gardeners in late summer start topping tops. On 1 bush should grow no more than 10 plants. Other ovaries must be removed, ie. A. They can not develop during the remainder of the growing season.

Do not leave a dry crust on the soil, ie. In. In this case the roots of the insufficient amount of oxygen and nutrients necessary for active plant growth.

Rain shower, use of mulch

During the hot days of August, in the evening hours, 1 time in 2 days is necessary to irrigate shrubs pepper with warm water. The plant is very responsive to such care. 1 every 7 days in water may be added humate and trace elements.

Pepper. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Pepper. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

Do not water pepper cold liquid. In this case, the growth of the fruit deteriorates, they stop their development.

Attention should be paid mulching the beds with peppers. For this purpose, use dry grass and wood chips. The work is carried out only if the soil is well warmed.

You can not mulch poorly warmed the ground, otherwise the root system begins to rot and die plant. The host 1 time in 7 days inspects pepper plantations, removes stepchildren, extra shoots that are too thickened the bush. In this case, the plant is exposed to an adequate supply of oxygen, it is well illuminated by the sun - increases the yield of pepper.

If formed a lot of fruits and autumn weather deteriorated, it became rainy and cold, remove the first fruit, which emerged signs of full maturity (color stains, smears). They are folded in a plastic container and placed in a cool place.

Green peppers ripen quickly. Not yet fully ripe vegetables contain many vitamins and minerals, though not enough sugar in them, compared with bright red or yellow fruit. But green plants are famous for high content of vitamin C.

Ripe vegetables should be dry, to get the seeds and use them to form a seedling for the next year. It is necessary to find out the presence of aphids on the underside of leaves, treat it with ashes, and then mulch the soil, destroying pests.

original articleand many other materials can be found on ourwebsite.

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Read more:Top 5 most productive peppers for stuffing