Do I need to cut peonies after flowering

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Many land owners and gardeners grow at these beautiful flowers with a marvelous aroma. But not all the peonies bloom abundantly and well. One reason may be the lack of pruning after flowering.

Growing peonies. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Growing peonies. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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types of pions

Peonies - a perennial three types:

  • Treelike. This type of light is needed haircut to their decorative appearance, giving splendor and shape. This will ensure a long flowering. The main thing - do not overdo it.
  • Ito-peonies - are strong shrubs that tolerate autumn frosts. Their leaves are similar to the leaves of tree peonies. By purchasing a soft purple color, they decorate the garden plots. If they are not cut, they cling to bushes before winter.
  • Herbaceous. This is one of the oldest ornamental plants. The bushes consist of branching shoots decorative leaves that are held until late autumn, colored with a bright purple. Easy to grow them.
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As to whether the cut peonies after flowering, it is important to bear in mind that without cutting them bloom poorly, and sometimes can not tolerate the winter cold and die.

Beautiful peonies. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Beautiful peonies. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

To bloom was plentiful, they need to pay attention since autumn. Proper conduct pruning gives them a chance to recuperate and gain strength after the summer period. During this time they have to stock up moisture and trace elements, since it is vital for their future development.

Tree peonies shed their leaves like a shrub. Their branches are not afraid of frost. In winter they are not cut off. Plants need to cover, even if the winters are mild.

Ito-hybrids cut grass later. The stems are cut completely. When pruning is important not to touch or damage the kidneys shears in the ground from which spring to grow new stems. Applying different pruning method, leaving 2-3 strong healthy stem, cutting them at a height of 15-20 cm above the ground. In winter, they need to wrap lutrasilom fir or spruce branches. Plants reveal the beginning of the snow melt. This pruning method promotes earlier flowering Itoh hybrids for several weeks. Despite the fact that Ito-hardy hybrids, they are still worth mulch for the winter. Insulation should be covered with soil, which is located under the main mass of roots. Ito-pions good mulch peat or humus mixed with wood ashes.

Herbaceous - from August to September accumulate in the roots and stems of different nutrients, lay the new buds. Trim the bush by the roots at this time is not recommended.

Conducted pruning in the early to mid-September, will weaken the flower and disrupt the process of photosynthesis, which has a negative impact on its wintering. With the onset of the first frost branches dry up and fall to the ground. This means that the plant has entered a phase of physiological rest, it was time for his crop.

Preparing for winter

Start preparing flowers for the winter need to warm dry weather. Before cutting the plant should be well watered.

Peonies. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Peonies. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

All shrub stems are cut just above the ground, not to accidentally catch the roots. Leave a stubby stumps. With the peony root damage will not survive the winter and die. Disinfect cuts the stems and the ground around the bush should be ash.

After trimming a bush made fertilizers consisting of 200 g bone meal, mixed with 300 g of wood ash or mullein, diluted with water in proportion 1: 2.

Plants harboring desirable, using sawdust, humus, coniferous lapnikom thickness up to 15 cm. Shelter will protect the roots from frost and give them extra food.

With proper care peonies many years will delight with its beautiful colors.

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