3 penny remedies to get rid of nail fungus

  • Dec 11, 2020
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None of us is immune from such a nuisance as nail fungus. Although this problem is not considered by many to be a serious disease, it can still bring a lot of discomfort to a person's life.

Sometimes, it is difficult to find a really effective pharmacy that will help you quickly overcome this ailment, and besides, a good drug will cost decently. But, withthere are several ways to get rid of the fungus on your own, without resorting to the help of expensive ointments - it is about these improvised means that will be discussed in this article.

And the first "helper", which is often used in the fight against fungus, will be wine vinegar.

We will apply it as a foot bath, therefore, a small basin must be prepared for the procedure. First, you need to wash your feet and cut off as much as possible on them all areas of the skin and nails affected by the fungus, so that the vinegar can penetrate deeper into the tissues.

After the legs are prepared, pour some vinegar into a bowl and dip your feet into it for 5 minutes, and after this time, let your feet dry completely. Once the vinegar has completely evaporated from the skin, put clean socks on your feet.

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You can repeat this procedure no more than twice a day..

The next way to get rid of the fungus is with iodine.

It can be used only on pre-washed legs, it is even better to steam your legs just before the procedure. Then just take a cotton swab and apply iodine with it to all damaged areas on the legs, thoroughly saturating all the cracks with liquid. Iodine will help to quickly relieve the unpleasant itching associated with fungal infections, and, in just a few procedures, will cure the fungus.

And finally, fungus treatment with celandine oil.

Here you need to act by analogy with iodine - first steam your legs and with a cotton swab dipped in oil, abundantly soak all the affected areas of the nail plate. After that, you need to wait until the oil is absorbed, and then put on clean socks.

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