Where can a pensioner find a job or a part-time job? I share my experience

  • Dec 11, 2020
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The question of part-time work is relevant for almost all people of mature ages. Everyone wants to have a couple of extra bills in their pocket. Especially pensioners do not have enough meager payments to live on. Some of them are forced not to enjoy a well-deserved rest, but to get a part-time job.

Finding a job for an elderly person is very difficult. Indeed, now employers are making a choice in favor of young professionals. But still, there are several places where pensioners will be gladly taken.


All libraries, theaters, prestigious restaurants and educational institutions have a wardrobe. And most often elderly people work there. I have never seen any young cloakroom attendants. As a rule, 70-year-old grandmothers accept clothes from visitors. Such a calm and not too active work will please many pensioners.

The Internet is open to all ages

The Internet gives all people unlimited possibilities. It is easy to find a job to your liking. Only for this you need to have at least minimal professional skills. But there are also cases when the employer himself takes on the training of a new employee.

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It is very convenient to work on the Internet. You can periodically take breaks or do household chores. Here you can earn much more than the state-assigned pension, but you have to study a lot.


The elderly are constantly exposed to serious illnesses. Their health condition can deteriorate significantly at any second. And it's very bad when loved ones are very far away and cannot look after the patient.

My friends faced a similar situation. A friend's elderly mother was very ill. She began to walk poorly and could not take care of herself. And the friend quickly found a way out of this situation. He hired a pensioner who lives nearby as a nurse.. Now the woman is cooking, washing, cleaning and helping his mother with the housework. A friend pays 10 thousand rubles for her services.

You can find such a part-time job in advertisements on various sites. The severity of work for pensioners is not too high here. And you don't even need to worry about payment. Caregivers are hired by wealthy people who do not skimp on fees.

Work and hobby at the same time

Pensioners doing needlework may not even look for a part-time job. Handicrafts can be sold for a very decent price. You just have to be patient and interest your customers in your product.

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