How to cook red borsch

  • Dec 11, 2020

If you love borscht, cook it often, or want to cook it for the first time, then this recipe is for you. There are several secrets to making borscht to keep its color intense. I want to share these secrets with you so that your borscht (even if it is prepared for the first time) is different not only great taste, but also beautiful color.

Borsch without beets is called cabbage soup and is prepared according to the same principle. In general, there are a huge number of options for borscht (there is even borsch with the addition of sprat in tomato). Everyone chooses a proven recipe for themselves and always cooks the same way. Some housewives own their secrets, which they do not share with anyone. I'm not one of those and I want to tell you a couple of secrets.

I will tell you in detail how to cook borscht ...

Ingredients for a 3 liter saucepan:

Beef - 300 gr
Potatoes - 4 pieces (medium)
Onion - 1 piece
Carrot - 1 piece
Beetroot -1 pc (small)
Cabbage - 300 gr
Spices, salt - to taste
Greens to taste
Garlic - 2 cloves
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- Tomato paste or fruit drink - to taste (2 tablespoons of pasta are enough)
· Vegetable oil - for frying

I'll run ahead and say right away that it is better not to cook the beets right away - they will lose color and the borsch will be light. How and when to add it - read further in the recipe.


1. Fill the meat with water and put on fire. Our task is to bring the meat to a boil, remove the foam, then add your favorite spices and cook over low heat for about an hour. I love borscht only on beef (bangs). On pork, it also turns out good, but on chicken - tender. I still think chicken is more for soups.

2. When the meat is cooked, we catch it and throw potatoes into the pan (cut into cubes).

3. While the potatoes are being cooked, we do the sautéing: fry the onions at once, then the carrots and then the chopped beets. Add finely chopped garlic and tomato paste. I have homemade fruit drink and frozen tomatoes (in winter) - I add all this and a little sugar (pinch). This is necessary so that there is no strong acid. I fry all the vegetables, and then pour in half a glass of broth and simmer a little.

4. The potatoes are boiled - add the chopped cabbage and bring to a boil.

5. When the cabbage boils, pour the sautéed into a saucepan and bring to a boil. During sautéing, the beets will come to readiness. This is the main secret of red borscht.

6. When everything boils, throw in the chopped greens and squeeze out a clove of garlic. Cook for 3 minutes, add ground pepper and remove from heat.

That's all - delicious and red borscht on your table. If you want even more redness, add 100 ml of beetroot juice at the end of cooking.