An easy way to get rid of garlic breath

  • Dec 11, 2020

Some people do not eat garlic because they are afraid of garlic fumes. Of course, it all depends on the amount of garlic eaten, but sometimes the smell can last for several days. What is causing this aroma? After digestion, sulfur compounds appear, which give such a specific aroma.

A lot has already been said about the benefits, but I will repeat myself Is an incredibly healthy product that is not only added to various dishes, but also eaten in different forms. Especially in the autumn-winter season, it is very important to eat garlic in order to undergo the so-called prophylaxis during the flu.

Garlic is best eaten fresh., because when you add it to the hot, useful properties are lost and only the aroma remains. Allicin contributes to the fact that garlic copes well with viral diseases and acts as an antimicrobial agent. This substance is released when a clove of garlic is crushed, and this produces a pungent smell. It is very important in the off-season and in winter to eat at least 1 clove of garlic per day.

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Can be added to salads - it will be very tasty. My friend prepares a wonderful salad of fresh carrots with garlic and mayonnaise. One evening, after eating garlic, I ate an apple. I was very surprised that I did not hear the usual sharp aroma. I decided to conduct an experiment and told my family to eat an apple too. Yes, this method works!

After this experiment, I started looking for a connection and found one interesting article that described the connection between apple and garlic. Brushing your teeth immediately after eating garlic will definitely not help, since garlic gets into the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body (even gets into the lungs). It turns out that this is what we exhale.

Apples contain acids that can neutralize the garlic smell.

Apples themselves are very healthy:

· Rich in vitamins;

· Increase immunity;

· Cleanse the breath.

These are just some of the benefits that this fruit is rich in. The benefits are double: cleansing and saturating the body with useful substances.

Try this experiment too - eat an apple after consuming garlic. Maybe some of you already know this method? Share in the comments.

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