How often the welding cable breaks off the holder

  • Dec 11, 2020

Hello to all self-taught welding and metal lovers!

Sometimes the welding cable breaks off from the holder, you can't get away from this, because when welding, the holder will be constantly in movement and the welding cable, made up of many small copper wires, bends strongly at the point where it ends a pen.

Today I had just such a situation, it's okay, it happens.

To fix it I need two tools, a set of hexagons and a knife. There was a hexagon in the kit for the new holder, but it was lost, so the kit helps out.

We remove the rubber handle from the metal frame, unscrew the hidden hex bolts and remove the already unnecessary piece of wire. It is about 120 mm long, so the longer you weld, the shorter the grip wire becomes. You can just sometimes throw the holder in places on a wire with a mass and vice versa, so that the wires are approximately the same length.

We try on how much insulation needs to be removed, cut it off and additionally strip the copper wires with a knife until they shine.

First of all, do not forget to put the rubber handle on the wire, only then we fill the bare part of the wire into the metal body of the holder.

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We tighten the clamping bolts, put the rubber handle on the frame.

Everything, the holder is ready to work again.

After all, any material, even the most flexible, if bent thousands of times, will still break.

Friends, this situation sometimes happens, so you need to have tools with you to fix it. The wire does not break off from the holder often, according to my observations, with constant work it will be once every 2-4 months. And if you do not weld constantly, then you can expect this much less often.