How to get rid of white spots on the shoes and to bring it in order of 3 simple steps

  • Dec 24, 2019

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 Three steps to a perfectly clean shoes, even in the off-season
Three steps to a perfectly clean shoes, even in the off-season

Winter - a season of cold weather, bad mood (optional) and eternally dirty footwear. And if the vicissitudes of the weather, and their own emotional sphere of the fight is not so easy, then tidy up shoes is not difficult after any weather surprises. And we'll show you how to do it quickly and efficiently.

White spots on the shoes in the autumn-winter period are familiar to everyone. The combination of moisture and salt can quickly bring in an inappropriate form, even the most expensive and high-quality copies. That is why we recommend to remember and to adopt the scheme's effective resuscitation even the most advanced cases.

Part of the arsenal for spotting
Part of the arsenal for spotting

To get rid of the white stains on the shoes and her weight gain in order, you will need:

1. Liquid soap (ideally - kastilnoe without animal fats);
2. Dry soft cloth;
3. Vinegar;
4. Hair conditioner;
5. Bottle with sprayer

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Step 1: preparation

Dilute soap in warm water.
Dilute soap in warm water

Stir a tablespoon of soap in a glass of warm water, obmoknite cloth and wipe the shoes well all over the outside surface.

Step 2: Output Spot

Vinegar against white spots
Vinegar against white spots

Mix vinegar and water in equal proportions, fill into the spray can and shake well. Put on a damp cloth and wipe the areas with white spots and stains. The secret is simple: the vinegar dissolves the great salt - the most common cause of stains on the shoes.

Step 3: polish, softens, create protection from moisture

Hair Conditioner and Shine
Hair Conditioner and Shine

And all this is capable of only one ingredient - a hair conditioner. Just apply a little money for a brush or dry sponge and polish shoes. And shoes again all right! "]

It is also useful to learn a simple way, how to make almost any moisture-resistant footwear.

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