A neat and compact way to grow table onions on a windowsill

  • Dec 13, 2020

To grow onions for the table on the windowsill, you just need to adhere to a few general recommendations, and then in winter you can serve fresh, juicy onion feathers with different dishes.

Those who decide to grow onions on the window need to remember that the greens can be harvested in 14-15 days. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Those who decide to grow onions on the window need to remember that the greens can be harvested in 14-15 days. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

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How to grow onions on a windowsill?

Those who decide to grow onions on the window need to remember that the greens can be harvested in 14-15 days. This means that all bulbs should not be planted at the same time, since mature feathers cannot be stored for long. It is better to plant root crops in parts of 10-15 pieces, then the onions will always be fresh.

A good harvest is largely due to the choice of the variety. It is better to take 1 of the following varieties:

  • Batun. The greens of this variety are not distinguished by their splendor, but it gives a good harvest. Prefers to grow in substrate.
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  • Shallot. The onion will be aromatic and juicy. Differs in unpretentiousness, can coexist with other types of greenery.
  • Leek. Easy to care for, the feathers are harsh, but they have a particularly bright taste.
  • Schnitt. Needs careful maintenance. With proper agricultural technology, you can get juicy feathers.

As a planting material in winter, it is better to take multi-nested fruits, or bushes. This will allow the maximum amount of greenery to be grown.

Onions grow not only in the ground, but also in water. All events start in January. You can use sevok. However, it is previously kept in a warm place for 7-10 days until 1-2 shoots appear. It is not necessary to expose the dishes to the light immediately after planting, since the active formation of roots should take place in a dark place.

Root crops are located as close to each other as possible, since they dry out during the growth process. Holes are made in the container, so a pallet is placed under it. Previously, the bulbs are kept in a solution of potassium permanganate for 7-9 hours.

Usually, the onion is cut off before planting, but if sprouts appear on it, it is no longer possible to remove any parts. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Usually, the onion is cut off before planting, but if sprouts appear on it, it is no longer possible to remove any parts. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

The more light there is on the windowsill, the more active the feather will be forcing. It will be juicy and tasty. It is preferable to place dishes with onions in the southern or southeastern part of the house. Onions do not like heat, so additional lighting is not always beneficial. But if there are few sunny days, then you can use fluorescent phytolamps installed 55-60 cm from the garden.

The most suitable temperature for germination will be + 18... + 20 ° С. It is impossible for the container to overheat. You can protect it from the sun's rays by wrapping it in foil. It is better to keep the dishes from heating devices as far away as possible. If the temperature exceeds + 30 ° C, the growth process will end, and the feathers will turn yellow and wither. The container with planted onions can be rotated throughout the day. This will ensure optimal light distribution and an even greenery.

Feathers that have reached a length of 15-25 cm are cut. The onion does not require top dressing, because and without them grows rapidly. It is necessary to exclude watering with liquid with the addition of ash.

Some more important recommendations

Fruits that are planned to be planted in winter should be kept in a place that is well ventilated in autumn. If you plant roots before January, they will need more time to activate their strength after a state of rest. Usually, the onion is cut off before planting, but if sprouts appear on it, it is no longer possible to remove any parts.

Water the garden bed on the windowsill with warm, settled water. The soil in the container should not be very wet: this can cause rotting of the bulb. Feathers are cut off only when all the greens have formed. You can prune 2-3 times, since new shoots often appear in the old place. But for more than 2 months, greens on 1 bulb will not grow, since nutrients will be depleted in it. The root crop is removed from the ground, and a new one is planted in its place.

Onions can grow in any soil, some grow it in sawdust. Warm up the soil in the oven before use. Drainage is placed in the container, and then a soil layer of 8-10 cm. 2/3 of the root crop should remain above the ground.

Sprouted bulbs can be grown in containers of water, where their lower part is placed. Water must be added in a timely manner.

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