How to get rid of horsetail in a summer cottage?

  • Dec 13, 2020
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Field horsetail is a real scourge of the modern gardener and farmer. He gets to the site either with imported land, or from neighboring sites. This weed draws everything useful from the soil, thereby preventing the development of garden crops.

Horsetail draws everything useful from the soil, thereby preventing the development of garden crops. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Horsetail draws everything useful from the soil, thereby preventing the development of garden crops. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Soil preparation

Unfortunately, digging is ineffective. The roots of this weed can go up to 60 cm deep, and sometimes a whole meter. Therefore, it is important to know the following:

  • It is better to inspect imported land for the presence of a blackish root of this weed.
  • Horsetail really does not like lime, so it is recommended to treat the area with calcium-containing preparations.
  • The horsetail infested area has acidic soil.

If you alternate this treatment with weeding out this weed, then after 3 years you can get rid of it completely.

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Control methods

In the fight against such a serious enemy, both chemistry and safer means are used. These include:

  • Sour environment. First you need to reduce the acidity of the soil itself. This will weaken the plant. For these purposes, slaked lime, ash and dolomite flour are used. It will reduce the acidity of the earth and saturate it with magnesium. In the first year of cultivation of the land from this weed, it is recommended to add substances of at least 500 g per 1 m². In the next 2 years, half of this norm. For the 4th year, it is recommended to reduce the dosage to 200 g.
  • Agricultural method. Regular weeping of horsetail will prevent its roots from accumulating nutrients and weaken it. This method is not very effective when using a conventional shovel. But when it comes to fields, then digging up the earth with a tractor will significantly increase the processing efficiency.
  • Circumcision. In the spring it is necessary to cut off his spores. This will prevent the weed from multiplying.
  • You can also mulch the aisles with newspaper and small peeled pebbles.
  • Bad neighbors. Some agricultural plants have a negative effect on it. Planting a suitable crop in your area will not provide the weed with sufficient nutrition. These are arugula, rapeseed, white mustard and other cruciferous plants.
  • Little helpers. You can also try to graze the duck where the horsetail grows. This bird eats the stems of this plant with great pleasure.
  • Year-round struggle. In winter, it is better not to leave the beds without sowing. Rye is perfect for this. It will loosen the soil, thereby improving its structure. And it will not give the weed nutrients, taking them all for itself.
Horsetail really does not like lime, so it is recommended to treat the area with calcium-containing preparations. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Horsetail really does not like lime, so it is recommended to treat the area with calcium-containing preparations. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Of course, all means are good in the fight, and some gardeners use a lot of chemistry. This decision is controversial, since Horsetail is practically not afraid of drugs. The root is able to feel great during such treatments. Removing the weed using herbicides such as Roundup or Tornado will not work. Even more toxic solutions like "Glyphos" and "Titus" are needed here. They perfectly rid areas of this weed, but their use in a plot with garden crops threatens to destroy the whole crop and damage the soil itself.

To preserve the yield and soil fertility, it is recommended to use:

  • Prima herbicide. A very powerful drug. It stops weed growth in a short time. Kills him in 1.5 weeks. Not afraid of rain, because absorbs very quickly. Its advantage is that it does not harm the earth. It decomposes quickly, thus not harmful to insects and fertility indicators. Not recommended for use in winter.
  • "Ground". Kills any plants. Its huge plus is that it will not harm the crop. Recommended for use on land without crops or seedlings.
  • Zenkor. Harmful only to weeds. It is allowed to use it not only before landing, but also after. The advantage is absolute safety for humans and agricultural plants. It is not recommended to use it in greenhouses, because its effectiveness decreases at high temperatures.


How to get rid of horsetail at a summer cottage, only trial and error will show. Of course, not everyone wants to use chemicals, but, unfortunately, this weed is very strong. Often, gardeners have no choice.

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

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