Fast compost in bags: we lay in the fall, and in the spring we bring it to the beds

  • Dec 13, 2020

Compost is an organic fertilizer used by many gardeners. It makes the soil light and nutritious, supplies the plants with the necessary nutrients. Compost is easy to make, so you don't have to spend money to buy it.

Compost is an organic fertilizer used by many gardeners. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Compost is an organic fertilizer used by many gardeners. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Positive and negative properties of fertilizer

Gardeners can use the following for composting:

  • tops of vegetables (except for potato and tomato);
  • cut grass;
  • weeds and other plant debris;
  • kitchen cleaning;
  • thin branches of trees.

All waste must be rotted, only then can it be used as fertilizer. It will take from 1 to 2 years, and not all summer residents are ready to wait that long. In order to speed up maturation, many gardeners use an alternative method. The fast composting method allows you to receive fertilizer after a few months. It is based on the use of bags, in which the mixture matures. The advantages of this method of obtaining fertilizer include the following:

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  • Saving time.
  • The bags take up less space on the site than a compost pit. You don't have to make a platform for them, you can put them anywhere.
  • Mobility. If the need arises, it is easy to move them to a new place, freeing up the occupied area for beds or other needs.
  • Labor saving. There is no need to turn over the layers, achieving better decay of plant residues. You can periodically flip the bags from one side to the other, but often gardeners do without this.
  • The rain does not wash away the fertilizer.
  • When composting in bags, pests do not start, weeds do not germinate. The composition of the fertilizer is cleaner than when ripened in a heap.
The disadvantages of this method can only be attributed to the fact that every time you have to buy new bags, the old ones become unusable. Experienced gardeners recommend pouring fertilizer material into bags at the same time, then the compost in the bags will rot at the same time.
The mixture of vegetable waste, which is placed in bags, should be slightly moistened, this will ensure accelerated decay. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
The mixture of vegetable waste, which is placed in bags, should be slightly moistened, this will ensure accelerated decay. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

How to make fertilizer

In order to make compost, you need to buy bags. Products with thin walls are required, then the contents will be better heated in the sun.

It is best to buy bags of large volume, from 120 to 250 liters, then the temperature inside them will be high, thanks to which the plant residues will rot faster.

When choosing bags, you need to pay attention to the material, it should not stretch. Gardeners often buy black trash bags, although experienced gardeners recommend buying more expensive but reliable construction waste bags.

When placing plant residues in bags, care must be taken to ensure that the material is healthy. The use of an infected one will lead to the fact that after applying compost to the site, the disease can spread to the plantings in all the beds. Plants showing signs of disease should be burned.

Many summer residents add bird droppings to the compost mixture. Rotted manure is brought in, but it should not be fresh. It is forbidden to put synthetic materials in bags, they will not rot. To speed up the maturation of the compost, wood ash can be added to each bag.

The mixture of vegetable waste, which is placed in bags, should be slightly moistened, this will ensure accelerated decay.

After the bags are filled, plant residues are carefully tamped. This results in free space in the bag. The bag is again filled to the top, and then tied. This place is wrapped with scotch tape or electrical tape, ensuring tightness. There should be no holes in the bag through which air could enter.

When the laying of the green mass is completed, the bags are placed in a sunny place. After 2.5-3 months, there will be rotted compost inside the container, which gardeners can use to fertilize the beds, mulch tree trunks and other needs. Gardeners often use the resulting soil for growing seedlings. They also fertilize houseplants for them and put them in greenhouses in which tomatoes, cucumbers and other crops are grown.

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

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