The secret of the yield of many crops is determined not only by the successful application of agricultural practices, but also soil characteristics.
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Self-examination of soil on the site
Analysis of the soil composition at the site can be carried out independently. It is conducted in three main parameters: mechanical structure, the structure and acidity.
The structure and texture
From the structure and mechanical composition depends moisture- and air permeability soil environment. The structure is determined visually. Better structural soil is considered to be grainy and lumpy. With long-term care of the wrong soil skeleton is destroyed, and the structural elements are transformed into dust. Restore such a difficult ground.
Mechanical structure is simply defined. We need to take a handful of wet earth and roll of her flagellum. If it is easily rolled into a ring, the soil is formed on the clay. If it turns out the ring was cracked, the parent material is loam. From sandy loam can be formed flat. Sandy soil is not plastic. It can only squeeze in a little ball, which immediately disintegrates.
More specifically texture is determined by the percentage of sand and clay combination.
To do this in a test tube or other narrow cylindrical vessel a small amount of land is diluted in water and allowed to settle. First, the sand is deposited, and on top of it are arranged clay particles. The height of the precipitate is taken for 100%, and the percentage of sand and clay is calculated by proportion. The data obtained allow the soil characteristics at the site:
- clay - 80 to 20;
- heavy loam - 60 to 40;
- light loam - 25 to 75;
- sandy loam soil - 5 to 95;
- sandy soil contains more than 95% sand.
Basically, all the vegetables and lawn and ornamental plants prefer light loamy substrate. Not every garden plots such conditions are maintained. A number of reclamation measures will help to remedy the situation.
The clay loam soil and heavily contribute washed sand 1-2 buckets per 1 sq. m. sandy ground in the same proportions added peat or humus.
For determining a soil acidity use indicators. The soil solution is lowered paper impregnated with the indicator solution, and applied thereto by a scale determined acidity. At neutral pH 6,1-7,4 soil. Lower scores indicate the presence in it of hydrogen ions, which increase its acidity. With an excess of hydroxide ions OH indicators above the norm, and the soil reaction is alkaline.
Within one portion of the soil acidity may be different, and these parameters may vary in time. Horticultural cultures react differently to the acidity of the soil environment. Soil conditions may be adjusted in accordance with the requirements of the plant.
Acidity reduces the introduction of chalk and 1.2 kg of lime per 1 sq. m. To reduce the alkaline reaction in the soil making yard gypsum in the same proportions.
Plant bioindicators
Experienced gardeners are able to determine the acidity of the soil for plants that acts as bio-indicators.
With increased acidity in the area grow well Veronica arvensis, blueberries, knot-grass, willow-wheat, shamrock, Ranunculus repens, field mint, plantain, Viola tricolor, horsetail, sorrel horse. Slightly acidic soil prefer red clover, thistle garden, meadow grass, nettle, quinoa, couch grass. If the site grow sow thistle garden, euphorbia, field bindweed, the indicators of acidity close to neutral.
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