Rules for autumn planting of red and black currants

  • Dec 13, 2020

In the fall, the main work begins on planting fruit and berry bushes, including red and black currants. Until spring, they should have time to take root and begin active growth with the first warm days.

In the fall, the main work on planting fruit and berry bushes begins. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
In the fall, the main work on planting fruit and berry bushes begins. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Rules for planting currants in the fall

The future harvest depends on many factors, including the quality of the selected planting material. Planting bushes can be carried out both in autumn and spring. The autumn option is preferable. Having survived the winter, plants become more resistant to the influence of adverse environmental factors and diseases. In autumn, this crop is not planted in areas with cold winters.

Having survived the winter, plants become more resistant to the influence of adverse environmental factors and diseases. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
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Work procedure

The rules for planting red and black currants in autumn are extremely simple. In a zone of temperate climate, this procedure is carried out in late September and very early October.

Selection of seedlings. It is recommended to buy bushes for cultivation in specialized stores or from trusted people engaged in selection. An adult bush can be divided by taking annual cuttings and replanting in a new location. It is advisable to choose seedlings with an existing root system. The size of the roots is at least 15 cm. When sold, they are covered with foil. Plants are at least 2 years old. The kidneys should not be swollen. The shoots should be smooth, the bark is uniform brown, without pronounced defects. If you carefully cut it, the next light green layer will be visible. In this case, a specific smell inherent in currants will appear.

Choosing a landing site. Young bushes should be planted in a sunny place. Shaded fruits have a sour taste. There should be no other plants nearby, except for other varieties of currants. This is the only neighborhood that is acceptable. Currants always grow strongly and will inhibit the development of other crops. Bushes should not be placed near bodies of water, because their roots will definitely rot due to the increased concentration of moisture in the soil.

Preparation of seedlings. Before planting, the plants must be cut so that 2-4 buds remain on the shoot. In early spring, there will already be 6-7 sprouts.

Landing. Future bushes are planted in such a way that the root collar is 10-15 cm buried in the soil. This is necessary to obtain a well-developed root. The cuttings should be at a slight angle to the ground.

When harvesting seedlings from bushes already growing on the site, certain rules should be observed. It is recommended to cut off shoots 2 weeks after the harvest is collected. The length of the branch should not be less than 15 cm. The cut is made 2 cm above the kidney. After that, the cuttings are placed in water for a week, where a growth stimulator has already been added.

Soil preparation. The seedling hole should be spacious so that the roots can freely accommodate. On average, it is buried 40 cm and made with a diameter of 60 cm. A layer of humus is laid on the bottom and up to 100 g of potash fertilizers are poured. After placing the bush, the pit is sprinkled with soil and watered with water. Straw is placed on top to prevent the roots from freezing.

Distance between bushes. It is necessary to place currant shoots from each other in the interval from 1 to 1.5 m.If it is assumed that the bush will grow strongly in height, the maximum step is chosen.

It is recommended to buy bushes for cultivation in specialized stores or from trusted people engaged in selection. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Nuances of planting red currants

The red currant wells are 50 cm in diameter. When planting with a “fruit wall”, it is allowed to place bushes at a distance of 70 cm. To improve the composition of the soil, superphosphate, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are added to it in a ratio of 7: 2: 1 and everything is mixed with the soil.

When choosing a place for planting, it should be borne in mind that currants grow poorly in places where gooseberry bushes or currant itself were previously placed. This is due to the fact that in the soil after these crops there are toxins that slow down the development of new plants. Areas with moss are not suitable for growing. The earth in this place is highly acidic.

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Read more:How to feed currants and gooseberries in autumn