A proven way to breed blueberries

  • Dec 13, 2020
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Many summer residents are engaged in the cultivation of blueberries. Reproduction is one of the important stages in the life of a plant. It can happen in different ways. But the most reliable method of propagation of blueberries is using cuttings.

The most reliable method of propagation of blueberries is with cuttings. The illustration is used from the site https://fermer.blog
The most reliable method of propagation of blueberries is with cuttings. The illustration is used from the site https://fermer.blog

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Selection of cuttings

Rooting cuttings in the spring must be done correctly. But the process of preparing blueberries for breeding begins long before this time. Harvesting shoots suitable for planting begins in December and lasts until March. All this time, the plant is dormant. You can also choose cuttings at the time of bud swelling. Only annual shoots are suitable for reproduction. They are carefully cut with pruning shears. You should choose even specimens without defects, without branching, with a thickness of up to 2 cm and a length of 20 cm.

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If the seedlings are prepared at the beginning of winter, then they are stored under certain conditions at a temperature of + 3… + 5ºC. Among them there should not be shoots damaged by diseases and pests.

Harvesting shoots suitable for planting begins in December and lasts until March. The illustration is used from the site https://dachamechty.ru

Planting blueberries

The rooting time of the cuttings is chosen taking into account the place of future growth. If it is planned to plant a plant in a greenhouse, then work can begin in March-April, provided that there is heating, and the temperature inside is maintained around the clock at least + 20ºC. If there is no heating in the greenhouse, then the cuttings should be rooted not earlier than the end of April - beginning of May.

Before planting, measures are taken to improve the condition of the soil and provide comfortable conditions for plant growth. They include:

  • Manufacturing of special frames from boards with a height of 15 to 20 cm. They are filled to the top with peat. If for some reason this material is not available, it can be replaced with a mixture of sand, bark and rotted coniferous sawdust.
  • Wire frames are installed on top.
  • After planting, the bed must be covered with plastic wrap.
Before planting, measures are taken to improve the condition of the soil and provide comfortable conditions for plant growth. The illustration is used from the site https://fermer.blog

Planting cuttings in a greenhouse and open ground

The prepared shoots are cut into small twigs 10-15 cm long. If a low-growing blueberry variety is to be planted, then a length of 7 to 10 cm is sufficient. An indispensable condition for the suitability of cuttings is the presence of at least 3 well-developed buds. The lower cut is made necessarily oblique, and the upper, on the contrary, horizontal. The lower cut should be immediately below the kidney, and the upper cut 2 cm above the kidney. The distance at which plants are allowed to be planted depends on how soon the future bushes are planned to be transplanted into open ground. If after a short period of time, then a 5 × 5, 5 × 7 cm scheme is suitable. If there is more time between planting the cuttings and their moving to the site, choose a 5 × 10 or 10 × 10 cm scheme.

Cuttings are lowered into the prepared soil to a depth of 2/3 the size of the cuttings. At least 1 kidney must remain on the surface. Unfortunately, blueberry does not take root as quickly as we would like. Many summer residents keep cuttings before planting in a special solution that stimulates plant growth. After placing the planting material in the soil, watering is performed, after which wire arcs are installed, they are covered with polyethylene on top, and then with spunbond.

It takes at least 8 weeks to take root, the formation of a minimum root system in terms of volume. During this time, the plant should not experience a moisture deficit. He must have access to fresh air, so the greenhouse will have to be periodically ventilated. Watering frequency is 1 to 2 times a week. With the appearance of the first leaves of water, more will be required. Then it is recommended to moisturize up to several times a day. The soil temperature should not fall below + 18 ° С and rise above + 21 ° С.

If by this time signs indicating the presence of a disease appear on the cuttings, they can be treated with Azofos, Kuprozan, Topsin-M or Fundazol. After rooting the cuttings, it is recommended to change the watering regime. Gradually reduce the amount of water entering the soil. In this way, the plant is prepared for the harsher conditions outside the greenhouse. The protective film is removed at the end of August. At the same time, it is recommended to transplant the plants into special containers.

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Read more:Planting blueberry seedlings - doing it right