How and what to feed lilies in the garden for lush flowering

  • Dec 13, 2020

Lilies have gained popularity as a garden decoration. They realize their full potential with abundant flowering, for which it is necessary to organize competent feeding. It depends on the variety and composition of the earth how and what to feed the lilies in the garden for fruitful development.

Lilies have gained popularity as a garden decoration. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Lilies have gained popularity as a garden decoration. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Top dressing when planting

In the presence of fertile soil with a high humus content, which was given time to "rest" from previous plantings, this point can be skipped. In other situations, adding additives will help bring the soil closer to the state of the lilies as comfortable as possible. The choice of fertilizer type depends on the owner's preference and the type of bulb.

Lilies grow best with organic supplements. The exception is manure, which was not allowed to rot - its presence will only bring harm. For 1 m², it is enough to add 6-8 kg of decayed waste, which is the norm for most flowers. If possible, it is recommended to add superphosphate in an amount of 100 g per meter. Wood ash is added in the same dosage - it is preferable to other additives due to the high digestibility of lilies.

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If the soil is "heavy", then its composition is diluted with sand and peat - 1 bucket per m² is applied and dug up. Plants prefer loose soil, as the roots can more easily absorb oxygen.

If there is a lack of organic additives, they can be replaced with mineral fertilizers. If planting occurs in spring, supplementation with a high potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen content is recommended. If it happens in the fall, then you do not need to add nitrogen. The dosage should be in accordance with the recommendations for use indicated on the package.

Tubular lilies will require additional ash application - depending on the poverty of the soil, the dosage varies from 100 to 500 g per meter.

It depends on the variety and composition of the earth how and what to feed the lilies in the garden for fruitful development. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Top dressing after planting

In the spring, lilies undergo nitrogen starvation, as this element is a key ingredient for gaining mass and preparing for flowering. Without N2, plants will not have enough energy and material to grow. The first fertilization is done when the snow is melting. Melt water that penetrates into the soil enhances its conductive capacity. During this period, it is enough to scatter 2 tablespoons over the surface of the site once. ammonium nitrate and urea per 1 m².

If the place where the lilies are planted is tilted, then feeding will be in vain, because all the nutrients will be washed off by melt water. The addition of additives will have to be postponed until the soil dries. In this case, you need to add rotted cow dung or urea in the form of a solution - 1 tbsp. on a bucket of water, respectively a bucket of 1 m².

Summer supplementation begins during bud formation. It is recommended during this period to apply mineral fertilizers, in which potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus act as active substances. They affect the brightness of the petals, the size of the inflorescences and the efficiency of pollination. The dosage is in accordance with the recommendations.

The second top dressing during the season is carried out during the flowering period. The input materials will extend the time the flowers open their buds. In this situation, complex fertilizers are needed, which are diluted in water before use in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

Together with summer additives, wood ash can be added, which will enhance the effect of fertilizers. 100 g is enough for 1 m².

Autumn feeding begins after the end of the flowering phase. This can happen in early September and late August. After flowering, the bulb begins to intensively store nutrients for the winter and for awakening next year. Replenishing with potassium and phosphorus will increase frost resistance and help the bulbs survive the winter. It is most convenient to use superphosphate and potassium magnesium - 2 and 1.5 tbsp. respectively for 1 bucket of heated water. A bucket of mortar is poured onto 1 m².

At the end of autumn, you can fill the earth with compost with a layer of 10 cm thick, which will perform 2 functions - warming and feeding for the next year.

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