Strawberries after harvest: features of caring for garden strawberries

  • Dec 13, 2020

Strawberries need care after harvest. Rehabilitation activities are carried out from July to August. In September, the next year's harvest is laid.

Strawberries need care after harvest. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Strawberries need care after harvest. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Crop care after fruiting

You can start restoring strawberries when the last berries are ripening on the bushes. The gardener should follow these steps:

  • Cut off old damaged leaves, leaving 5-7 of the top young in the bush. This must be done even if there are no signs of illness. All foliage is removed only if there are too many bushes and it is impossible to prune each of them separately, or if the strawberries are completely affected by pests.
  • Separate the rooted mustache from the mother bush, remove the rest.
  • Transplant mature bushes if necessary. Deprived of whiskers and unnecessary leaves, plants will quickly take root in a new bed. Strawberries are transplanted every 4 years.
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  • Add nitrogen fertilizing (1/2 tablespoon of nitrate per 10 liters of water). Weed fertilizers are also used, which are combined with watering.
  • Moisten and loosen the soil around the bushes regularly until the first frost. If a large area is allocated for growing berries, it is advisable to use spunbond when planting strawberries, and when leaving - mulch and a drip irrigation system.
  • Treat the plantation with fungicides and insecticides with an interval of 1.5-2 weeks between procedures. Effective insect repellents: Aktara, Fufafon, Karbofos. Arcerid, Skor, etc. will help to stop pathological processes.

By the beginning of autumn, the plants will recover and gain green mass. Then they need to be fed with phosphorus-potassium agents (1 tablespoon of potassium sulfate and superphosphate per 1 m²). Ash is also suitable for fertilizing strawberries - 1-2 tablespoons each. under each plant. The product is mixed with soil and watered. Before the onset of cold weather, nitrogen-containing dressings should not be introduced into the soil - they will provoke premature foliage growth, which is why the strawberries will not survive the winter.

With the arrival of stable cold weather, the bushes are covered with insulation: agrofibre, dry tops, straw.

After harvesting strawberries, it is recommended to treat the plantation with fungicides and insecticides with an interval of 1.5-2 weeks between procedures. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Caring for remontant varieties

Remontant varieties are harvested until mid-autumn, so they need intensive care, which consists of the following:

  • After harvesting each wave of the crop, old peduncles and damaged leaves are cut off. Removing all the greens will result in a lack of energy to form new berries.
  • The soil is regularly moistened. To prevent leaves and berries from rotting, strawberries are mulched.
  • The culture is fertilized once every 1.5-2 weeks with the preparations of Fertik, Agricola, etc.
  • Strawberries are treated with Trichodermin, Planriz, Gaupsin. This will help protect the crop from insect pests and common diseases.
  • In early or mid-autumn, dead foliage is cut, as well as all flower stalks with ripening berries. This procedure will provide plants with rest before the cold weather.
  • After pruning, phosphorus-potassium compounds are introduced under each bush.
  • Before the onset of cold weather, do charging watering.
  • With the arrival of frost, the plantation is covered with insulation.
If necessary, it is recommended to transplant strawberry bushes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

When growing remontant strawberries, you need to be careful when trimming the mustache. Some varieties do not release new shoots after removing old ones. It is necessary to determine in advance the required number of mustaches and cut off all unnecessary ones. Other varieties can release suckers throughout the season, giving them additional crops. In this case, the berries on the mustache and on adult bushes will be small, and it will be difficult to care for the plantation, because it will overgrow strongly.

The bushes weakened by weeds will give a meager harvest next year. Uncut leaves affected by pests and diseases will cause poor flowering or death of the plant in the next season. If the gardener neglects the rules of dressing or does not insulate the bushes before the cold weather, the culture can freeze out in winter.

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