Sowing pepper seeds for seedlings and picking: step by step instructions

  • Dec 13, 2020
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Sweet peppers are prized by gardeners for their high amounts of vitamin C and other nutrients. For effective growth and fruiting, certain agrotechnical practices are required, since plants, especially in the early growth phase, are quite sensitive, and also very demanding on the sun light.

Peppers, especially in the early growth phase, are quite sensitive and also very demanding on sunlight. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Peppers, especially in the early growth phase, are quite sensitive and also very demanding on sunlight. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Seed preparation

The crop is planted in early February - early March. Sowing is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • soil preparation;
  • sorting seeds;
  • seed treatment to stimulate growth;
  • landing;
  • seedling care.

The future harvest depends on the quality of the seeds, so they must be sorted manually. All damaged, deformed, poor quality seeds should be selected. After that, they are placed in warm salt water for 1 hour. All germinated seeds are removed, and the rest are washed with clean water and placed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 20-30 minutes for disinfection.

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After processing, they are washed with running water and kept for a day in a biostimulating solution at a temperature of at least + 20 ° C. The prepared seeds are placed in a warm place and stored between two layers of thick gauze. Within 3-4 days, they are periodically moistened with a small amount of hot distilled water. Maintaining the temperature + 28... 30 ° C, you can get the first shoots a week after sowing.

When growing peppers from seeds at home, it is important to pay attention to factors such as:

  • Watering. When growing peppers from seeds, it is very important to remember the timeliness of watering: the soil should not be dry or too wet. It is recommended to moisten the ground with a spray to ensure an even distribution of moisture over the surface.
  • Fertilizers. After the appearance of the first leaves, top dressing is done. For this, liquid fertilizers are used, which include potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen and other trace elements.
  • Temperature. Adequate heat and light is required for good germination.
When growing peppers from seeds, it is very important to remember the timeliness of watering: the soil should not be dry or too wet. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Soil preparation and planting

To avoid contamination of seedlings, it is recommended to buy land from reliable sellers. Gardeners often buy soil from specialized stores, because it is enriched with essential trace elements, has undergone effective disinfection and is perfect for growing this crop. Garden soil can also be used. It is processed with potassium permanganate. If the soil is acidic, it is neutralized with wood ash, limestone flour, and other substances.

Before planting, we moisten the soil, after that we sow pepper seeds for seedlings. After planting is complete, the cassettes are placed in a warm place, covered with foil or film. The optimum temperature for seed germination is + 25 ° C. Gardeners regularly monitor the condition of the soil and moisturize it as needed. As soon as the seeds germinate, a hole should be made in the film to improve air exchange.

The first shoots may appear in 12-15 days. After all seeds have germinated, the film is removed. Plates with seeds are transferred to a cool room for 2 days to strengthen the roots. After that, the pepper is transferred to a warm, well-lit place. If the weather is gloomy, there is not enough sunlight, the culture is illuminated with fluorescent lamps for 18-20 hours a day. The distance between the lamp and the seedlings should be at least 15-20 cm.

Later, the plants are transplanted into larger containers. The day before transplanting into new boxes, the soil is abundantly moistened with warm water. To carefully remove the plant, make a small depression in the soil, then carefully lift the seedling along with the soil. When planting in a new place, they try not to bend the root, and the leaves of the seedlings should be located 2 cm above the surface of the earth. The root of the seedling is sprinkled with soil and slightly compacted. The transplanted peppers are poured with hot water.

Care during the growing season:

  • Saplings are watered with hot water (+ 27... 30 ° С). It is recommended to additionally spray the plants 1 time every 2 days.
  • In winter, seedlings are kept on a warm windowsill, and in spring they are moved to the balcony.

Nutrients are added once every 15 days. Pepper reacts positively to supplements from clover, chamomile, plantain and other herbs.

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