How to feed roses for lush bloom

  • Dec 13, 2020
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Rose is not the easiest flower to grow. Fertilizers play an important role in long-term flowering, and the correct treatment schedule will ensure a large number of buds and long flowering. Therefore, every gardener should know how to feed roses and when it is best to do it.

Every gardener should know how to feed roses and when it is best to do it. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Every gardener should know how to feed roses and when it is best to do it. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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General rules

Florists use natural remedies that can be found in every household - cow dung, chicken droppings, yeast. Also, nitrogenous additives and fertilizers based on potassium, zinc, manganese are useful for the rosary.

Be sure to feed the roses at the beginning of growth and 2 times in the summer. At the request of the gardener, you can add 1 more summer procedure and fertilize in the fall. This will help the plants prepare for winter and strengthen their immunity.

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Nitrogen supplements should be applied before budding, preferably in March and April. This substance is responsible for the formation of stems and the appearance of new leaves. In summer, you need to give preference to potassium and phosphorus preparations. They will help shape the buds and make the petals look vibrant. Also in the summer you can fertilize roses with complex products. It is enough to use them 2 times per season. Natural compounds can be added to the soil throughout the growing season, from April to September.

In summer, you can fertilize roses with complex products. It is enough to use them 2 times per season. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Fertilization methods

There are 3 methods of feeding roses, each grower chooses the most convenient for himself. How to fertilize flowers:

  • The standard way. Substances are diluted in water according to the instructions, and the composition is poured over the flower bed. In this way, trace elements can be delivered directly to the roots. The disadvantage is that the concentration may be too high and the flowers will burn.
  • Dry method. A furrow several centimeters deep is made in the ground around the flower. The distance to the stem must be at least 6 cm. Dry fertilizer is poured into the recess and sprinkled with soil. The rains will dissolve nutrients and deliver them to the roots.
  • Spraying. The substances are diluted according to the instructions and applied directly to the leaves and stems of roses. This must be done before noon, the evening procedure threatens the appearance of fungus on the plant.
There are 3 methods of feeding roses, each grower chooses the most convenient for himself. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

What additives to use

In April or May, when the soil temperature is stable above + 10 ° C, you can start feeding with ammonium nitrate. It is scattered on flower beds, without diluting with water, at the rate of 30 g of substance per 1 sq. m. This fertilizer is especially useful for mature roses that bloom for at least 2-3 years.

Urea belongs to nitrogenous fertilizing, therefore it is also applied in the spring. It is best to mix it with phosphorus-containing complexes and dry it on the flower bed. The proportions are the same as in the previous version: 20-30 g per m².

It is convenient for flower growers to use ready-made complexes, since they contain the necessary substances in the correct proportions. There is no risk of burning the plant by incorrectly preparing the composition. Such fertilizers are sold in liquid form, they penetrate well into the soil and are quickly absorbed into the roots.

Popular fertilizers:

  • "Watering can";
  • "Bud Plus";
  • "Pocon";
  • Agricola;
  • "Zircon".

They need to be diluted according to the instructions and the plants should be watered in the morning. You can not use other dressings at the same time in order to prevent an overdose of minerals.

Manure and chicken droppings have a beneficial effect on the growth of shoots and the formation of new buds. It is important to wait until the mullein is overheated and then use it. You can lay it around the stem, mixing with soil, as mulch. Another method of application is to dilute with water in a ratio of 1:10, let it brew for 1 week and water the flowers. For chicken manure, the rules are the same, but it is bred in a ratio of 1:20.

Experienced flower growers advise 1 time per season, in the summer to feed roses with dry yeast. From it you need to dilute as for the test: for 1 liter of water, take 1 g of yeast and 1 tbsp. Sahara. Put in a warm place, wait until the mass rises. Pour the mixture under the bush in the morning.

Over time, each gardener accumulates his own tricks to prolong the flowering of roses. Tips need to be tested in practice, because they may not suit everyone.

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

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