Is it possible to process potatoes from the Colorado potato beetle during flowering

  • Dec 13, 2020

The onset of the Colorado potato beetle on potato bushes begins in the phase of flower formation, and if the plant is not protected, it may die. Processing potatoes during flowering with chemicals is prohibited, therefore, it is necessary to protect the plant from pests by other methods.

The onset of the Colorado potato beetle on potato bushes begins in the phase of flower formation, and if the plant is not protected, it may die. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
The onset of the Colorado potato beetle on potato bushes begins in the phase of flower formation, and if the plant is not protected, it may die. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Why is it dangerous to process potatoes during flowering

Having formed the green mass and generative organs, the plant starts laying the nutrients for storage in the form of potatoes. If the natural process is disturbed, the bush stops the development of tubers, directing all its reserves to restore the aboveground part.

During the flowering period, the plant is very sensitive to chemicals:

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  • Harmful chemical components are absorbed by potatoes and deposited in young tubers. The use of such a vegetable is dangerous to health.
  • Aggressive chemicals kill not only the Colorado potato beetle, but also the flowers. After processing, all the forces of the plant will go to the formation of new inflorescences.
  • Potato flowers attract many beneficial pollinating insects, which can die after being treated with toxic drugs.
Processing potatoes during flowering with chemicals is prohibited, therefore, it is necessary to protect the plant from pests by other methods. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

How to safely handle potatoes during flowering

If a small area is under attack by pests, the best solution is to collect the insects by hand. This processing method is laborious, but effective and safe.

On industrial plantings or with a large concentration of insects, this method will not help. Therefore, an effective way will be the use of biological insecticides:

  • Fitoverm. The maximum exposure period occurs in a week. Low toxicity.
  • "Bitoxibacillin". The drug begins to work actively within 24 hours. Suitable for fighting adults and larvae.
  • Akarin. The action of the drug occurs 4 hours after the pest eats the treated plant. In a day, most of the colony of Colorado beetles dies.
If a small area is under attack by pests, the best solution is to collect the insects by hand. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Folk remedies are a more gentle and safer treatment option. The weak side of such drugs is that they cannot cope with the pest the first time. Several processing steps are required. The first must be carried out as soon as a pest is noticed on the site.

Folk remedies options:

  • Dusting with birch ash. It is carried out in the early morning with dew. Ash is sprinkled on the soil near the plants. The cost of funds for 1 hundred square meters is about 10 kg.
  • Spraying ash and soap solution. 1 liter of water will require 0.5 kg of ash and 30-40 g of alkaline soap. The infusion is kept for a day and diluted with water to 10 liters.
  • Watering with a solution of tar. 100-150 g of the substance is mixed with 10 l of water.
  • Processing with infusion of tomato tops. Boil 1 kg of tops with 2 liters of boiling water, let it brew for 4 hours and dilute to 5 liters, adding finely planed soap.

It is recommended to plant calendula and marigolds between the rows of vegetables. The strong aroma of the flowers repels the Colorado potato beetle and protects the potato

Do you process potatoes from the Colorado potato beetle during flowering?

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Read about planting potatoes in the following article:11 ways to plant potatoes and get high yields