What you need to know about proper watering of grapes

  • Dec 13, 2020
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Grapes are a delicious berry. Who doesn't love to pamper themselves with juicy and sweet pleasure in the summer? Probably there are none. Of course, provided that the berry has received proper care and has absorbed all the benefits and taste. The most important factor for a good harvest is proper watering. Let's figure out how and when to water the grapes.

Grapes are a delicious berry. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Grapes are a delicious berry. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

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Watering the grapes depending on the season

Thanks to the water, the plant grows, its thermoregulation. This explains the importance of moisture at every stage of vine development.

REFERENCE. The entry of essential trace elements and nutrients from the soil into the roots of a plant occurs only if it is sufficiently moistened.

There is no single irrigation scheme, its frequency depends on a number of factors: grape variety, availability of groundwater, amount of natural precipitation, climatic conditions of the growing region, etc. Also, the plant's need for moisture depends on the season. Let's consider each period separately.

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Spring watering

Waking up after winter, the vine begins to actively grow, leaves and buds appear, so spring watering is very important. As a rule, the soil is moistened three times in the spring.

REFERENCE. It is not recommended to water flowering grapes, this can lead to shedding of inflorescences.

Summer watering

Should be the most abundant. About half of the required water volume is in the hot season. Usually in the summer the grapes are watered twice:

  • 1st time when berries reach the size of a pea;
  • 2nd time in the third decade of July.
Grapes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Autumn watering

Depends on the amount of precipitation. It is worth starting from the moisture of the near-trunk section of the soil, since dry soil cracks in winter, which in turn leads to freezing of the roots. If there is a need for watering, it is done in October-November.

How to properly water grapes

There are two techniques:

  • superficial;
  • underground.

With surface irrigation, water is poured into the grooves between the rows of vines. This method is optimal for young seedlings and not quite suitable for mature bushes, since their roots go underground to a depth of half a meter.

REFERENCE. Do not pour cold water from a well into the soil heated by the scorching sun. Due to the temperature difference, the plant experiences a heat shock, which negatively affects its growth and fruiting.

With underground irrigation, water flows to the roots through pipes dug into the ground by 0.5 m. The advantages of this method:

  • reduced water consumption;
  • the frost resistance of the vine increases;
  • the risk of developing fungal diseases of the culture is reduced.

Impact of excess and lack of watering on grapes

The measure is good in everything, this also applies to moisturizing the grapes. Excessive flooding with water leads to the following consequences:

  • decay of roots;
  • the appearance of fungal diseases;
  • poor quality vine ripening;
  • cracking berries;
  • wateriness of the pulp;
  • the complexity of transporting the crop;
  • shortening the shelf life of berries.
Grapes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Lack of moisture entails:

  • reduction in the amount of the crop;
  • the appearance of unwanted surface roots;
  • a decrease in the quality of berries, they wrinkle, become stale and tasteless;
  • drying out of the plant.

Follow the simple rules of watering, and the result in the form of delicious berries will not keep you waiting.

Do you know how to properly water grapes?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

Read about watering grapes in the summer in the following article:Watering grapes in summer is the key to a good harvest in autumn