How to make broccoli grow heads

  • Dec 13, 2020

Broccoli cabbage is characterized by its useful composition and versatility. It contains many valuable vitamins and minerals and is a popular product on every table. But if in the process of growing you notice that heads of cabbage are not tied in broccoli, you should determine the cause of this phenomenon and eliminate it as soon as possible.

Broccoli cabbage is characterized by its useful composition and versatility. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Broccoli cabbage is characterized by its useful composition and versatility. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Causes and symptoms

Taking care of broccoli, many vegetable growers make a number of mistakes that provoke the absence of ovaries. Among them:

  • The choice of poor-quality soil mixture.
  • Excess nutrients, especially at the stage of ovary formation.
  • The ambient temperature is above + 25 ° C.
  • Lack of sunlight.
  • Late harvesting of fruits.
  • Lack of nutrition or watering.

The optimal feeding for broccoli is vermicompost or green tea.

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There are 2 symptoms by which you can determine that the culture does not form normal and healthy heads of cabbage:

  • The head begins to bloom intensively, but does not develop.
  • The head is not tied, but the cabbage begins to grow in height.

In both cases, growing a vegetable becomes unproductive. Therefore, if you are faced with signs of a problem with the appearance of ovaries, you need to change the care and start treating the plants.

If the main head blooms, there is no need to rush to remove it. Perhaps after cutting the central head of cabbage, the plant will begin to develop lateral ovaries. In this case, the gardener only needs to provide him with proper care in order to increase the yield. If you do not have time to complete simple agrotechnical actions, cabbage will not begin to form new heads of cabbage.

If during the cultivation process you notice that the heads of cabbage are not tied in broccoli, you should determine the cause of this phenomenon and eliminate it as soon as possible. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Folk and chemical methods

During the cultivation of broccoli, it is fed three times:

  • 7 days after planting seedlings on the garden bed;
  • 2 weeks after the first procedure;
  • at the stage of heading formation.

The vegetable responds well to the addition of nettle infusion. No less effective is the treatment with brewer's yeast, which is distributed in the evening into a heated and moist soil mixture.

Foliar dressing is prepared from boric acid. 1 hour l. substances should be diluted in 1 liter of water. As the solution cools down, add another 9 liters of cold liquid, and then start spraying the plants.

Special chemicals can be used to speed up the formation of ovaries. Boron and superphosphate are positively reviewed. They are poured in 1 tsp. l. right at the root. Also, watering can be carried out with a urea solution, guided by the proportions of 2 tbsp. l. 10 liters of water.

Broccoli should be looked after properly and regularly. First of all, you should adhere to the timing of planting seeds for seedlings, choose the right neighbors, with which the culture will grow. The place of cultivation is changed annually.

Do you grow broccoli?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

Read about cabbage pest control in the following article:How to save cabbage from pests with plain vinegar