Turmeric - health benefits and harms, how to drink it

  • Dec 13, 2020

Due to its unique taste and nutritional properties, turmeric has been used as a seasoning in cooking for a long time. The spice is also used in medicine, but an excess of this substance can harm health. It is important to know how to use the spice correctly and in what quantity.

Due to its unique taste and nutritional properties, turmeric has been used as a seasoning in cooking for a long time. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Due to its unique taste and nutritional properties, turmeric has been used as a seasoning in cooking for a long time. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

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Composition and useful qualities

Turmeric contains many useful ingredients:

  • vitamins of group B, C, E, K;
  • minerals - iron, potassium, calcium, copper, manganese, etc .;
  • cellulose;
  • fatty acid;
  • natural oils;
  • phytochemical elements.

The latter substances give turmeric its orange hue and medicinal properties. The plant pigment in the spice has antioxidant properties. Phenols help to strengthen immunity, purify blood, regulate blood glucose levels, and enhance brain activity.

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Thanks to the use of this spice in the human body:

  • the level of "bad" cholesterol decreases;
  • pressure is normalized;
  • the work of the joints improves;
  • the intestinal microflora is restored;
  • slags and toxins are removed;
  • blood circulation improves.

The spice contains substances that improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails. It is good for women to use turmeric for painful menstruation and menstrual irregularities. The curcumin contained in the spice helps as a preventive measure against cancer and heart diseases.

Despite its many beneficial qualities, turmeric has contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • gallbladder disease;
  • preparation for surgery and the period after surgery;
  • gastritis;
  • diabetes;
  • allergic reactions.
It is important to know how to use the spice correctly and in what quantity. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

How to consume turmeric

An effective remedy is used to treat arthritis, for the preparation of which you will need:

  • turmeric powder - 2 tbsp l .;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • milk - 1 glass.

The powder is poured with boiling water and cooked over low heat for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. The result is a healing paste that must be stored in a sealed container in the refrigerator. Every day 1 tbsp. l. the masses are added to warm milk and drunk. The course of treatment lasts 1 month.

As an analgesic for migraines, arthritis, abdominal pains, it is useful to use a drink that consists of:

  • boiled water - 1 glass;
  • spice powder - 3 g;
  • natural honey - 5 g.

It is useful to include turmeric in the daily diet for people who are overweight. Dissolve ½ tsp in 50 mg of hot water. l. spices, after thorough stirring, the composition is added to 1 glass of kefir. This drink is recommended to be consumed 2 times a day between meals.

To improve digestion and strengthen the immune system, it is useful to add up to 2 tsp to various dishes daily. l. turmeric. You can pour the powder into milk, fermented milk, any hot drinks or just warm water.

For anemia, it is useful to consume a mixture of 1 tsp every morning before meals. l. natural honey and ¼ h. l. spice powder.

When combined with oven-baked cauliflower, the spice helps men prevent prostate cancer.

Do you know how to drink turmeric properly?

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