Tomatoes Grandfather's cock feather: description, care

  • Dec 13, 2020
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One of the oldest types of tomatoes is Grandfather's cock feather, he is more than a hundred years old. This variety is cultivated both in Russia and in America. Fruits of an unusual shape look attractive; fans of unusual tomatoes should definitely try it.

Tomatoes Grandfather's cock's feather. Illustration for the article is used from the site
Tomatoes Grandfather's cock's feather. Illustration for the article is used from the site

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The bushes are indeterminate, reaching a height of 180 cm. They belong to the mid-season species. If you sow seeds in March, you can try tomatoes in July. The plant stems are not thick. The weight of 1 tomato can be 150-350 grams. Fruits are oblong, similar in shape to the heart, bright crimson color. The pulp is fleshy, compacted, slightly seeded. People who grew this species note the highest taste properties of tomatoes.

Tomatoes should be eaten fresh. They are suitable for preservation: juices, sauces, tomato paste, various salads, pickles.
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The variety has excellent keeping quality. If tomatoes are harvested in September, they can survive until the end of December. It is possible to grow Grandfather's cockerel both in the greenhouse and in the garden. The yield of this type of tomato is the highest.


  • excellent taste and smell;
  • comprehensive application;
  • pleasant market view;
  • high productivity;
  • long-term preservation;
  • possibility of transportation.
Tomatoes Grandfather's cock's feather. Illustration for the article is used from


  • painstaking care;
  • tendency to late blight.

Cultivation of seedlings

Tomatoes prefer warmth and good lighting; at low temperatures, plants may die. For tomatoes, a fertile, loose and moisture-absorbing soil with an acidity of about 4.5 is suitable. The acceptable temperature for the start of emergence is around 25 degrees. After the sprouts appear, the temperature is reduced to 16-18 degrees in the daytime and up to 10-12 in the dark. A similar temperature regime must be maintained for 7 days, then the indicators are increased to 20-23 degrees.

First, it is necessary to irrigate every day with warm, settled water. And when the sprouts appear on the soil surface, you can switch to weekly watering.

After germination of two or three leaves, the plants must be transplanted into a separate tank, not less than 500 ml. This is necessary so that there is space for the development of the root system. 14 days after transplanting, it is advisable to fertilize young seedlings with liquid mineral dressings, which is very useful for them.

You need to loosen the soil with a plastic fork. Thanks to this procedure, the soil will be saturated with oxygen. All seedlings need hardening, for which they are transferred to fresh air. At first by 10-15 minutes, increasing the time spent on the street every day.

Transplantation and care

At the age of 2 months, the seedlings become completely ready for relocation to a permanent place. It is great if greens and legumes are their predecessors. The soil is fertilized in autumn or early spring, using organic compounds, for example, rotten humus is great.

Transplanting tomatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

The space for tomatoes must be well-lit, protected from the wind. The pits are placed at a distance of half a meter, leaving twice the distance between the rows.

Tomato variety Grandfather's rooster's feather is tall and requires tying to a support. When disembarking, you can put stakes or build a trellis. The bushes are advised to form in one or two stalks, which greatly increases the yield. Even throughout the summer season, it is imperative to cut off stepchildren, preferably every 7 days.

Do you plant tomatoes Grandfather's cock's feather?

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