How to protect roses in winter - simple ways to save a garden beauty from the encroachment of cold weather

  • Dec 13, 2020
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Good afternoon, my reader. In most cases, a rose will not survive the winter without shelter. She is too delicate a flower, so she really needs protection from the cold. Each variety has its own conditions and nuances of proper wintering.

Roses. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Roses. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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How to prepare rose bushes

You need to think about hiding roses before the onset of freezing temperatures, because even at -5 degrees, roses can be damaged. It is especially difficult for flowers to experience sharp temperature changes when the night cold is replaced by a thaw. It is necessary to shelter roses not only from cold and snow - these procedures also prevent the appearance of diseases and pests and maintain a normal level of moisture in the soil.

You need to cook the bushes in the fall, preferably before the first frost. You need to start with the following steps:

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  • remove dry leaves and other debris from pink plantings;
  • further clean the flowers from leaves and young green shoots;
  • carry out sanitary pruning, that is, remove all dry, limp branches, flowers, infected areas (with traces of fungi and decay);
  • then it is necessary to cut the rose to the height of the shelter, up to about 35 cm, but do not touch the grafted areas.
IMPORTANT! When you've finished cleaning and pruning, treat the bushes with antifungal agents as a preventative measure. During periods of thaw, this procedure must be repeated.

Ways to protect roses from the cold

Experienced gardeners advise starting to put structures for shelter from 10 to 25 November. Before that, leave the rose for a couple of days at temperatures down to -3 degrees, so it will harden and increase the chances that it will survive the harsh winter.

Preparing roses for winter. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

There are many ways to cover a rose for the winter, but we will consider the most effective of them:

  • The simplest and most popular is the mulching of the bushes with earth, lapotnik, straw and loose snow. The height of such a structure should be at least 40 cm.
  • If winters are cold in your area, mulching will not be enough. It can be supplemented with air dry. To build it, drive pegs around the perimeter of the bush and secure wood or metal flooring. From the negative effects of moisture, you can stretch a sealed film on this flooring.
  • For periods of non-snowy winters, it is recommended to combine several methods. For example, mulch rose bushes, and then cover them with boxes and insulate them with several materials at once.

The nuances of covering different varieties

Wildly growing and park shrubs will be fine with ordinary mulching. But in garden plots, there are mainly other varieties that require a little more attention and care.

Stamp roses

They must be slightly pressed to the ground and fixed, then sprinkled with earth and covered with coniferous branches. You can also make a metal frame on which a film is stretched or roofing material is laid.

Covering roses for the winter. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Climbing roses

Such roses must be removed from the slats and fixed on the ground. The lower part is insulated with needles and compost soil, and the top is covered with foil or lutrasil. If it is impossible to remove it from the support without damage, then you can make a frame and insulate it in the same way.

Bush roses

They are the most frost-resistant, so mulching the earth with peat and sand will be enough for them. If winter is expected to be harsh, then cover it on top with coniferous laparot and cover this structure with loose snow.

Ground cover roses

Gardeners prefer not to cover them at all. But for reassurance, they can be insulated with a lapotnik or loose lutrasil.

Do you grow roses in your garden?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

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