How to successfully control weeds with herbicides

  • Dec 13, 2020

Good afternoon, my reader. The key to a good harvest is healthy soil and maximum weed-freeness. They can drown out all useful crops en masse. Therefore, in order not to lose the crop, weeds must be eliminated.

Weed control. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Weed control. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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The effectiveness of herbicides in weed control

There are many different tools that are aimed at combating harmful plants in the garden. But experienced gardeners recommend purchasing them only from trusted suppliers who have been on the market for more than one year and are constantly developing such substances. Herbicides have been used against weeds for a long time. They have proven to be an effective tool, and large agricultural enterprises are happy to test the novelties of this industry on their lands.

An interesting fact - literally the word "herbicide" is translated from Latin as "to kill the grass." These drugs are divided into two groups: continuous and selective substances. Keep in mind that weeds are different, there are annuals that live one season, and perennials that will attack your garden year after year.
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In any case, if you ignore the weeds and do not harvest them in time, you can lose your crop. A thorough weeding method is used to destroy annual pests. But perennials can grow again on the site from the left rhizome, therefore, there are herbicidal preparations for them.

An important clarification - a lot depends on the type of soil, the regularity of watering, weather conditions and the type of weeds. If you plan to use herbicides over the entire area of ​​the site, then it will be enough to process only the leaves of harmful plants, without touching the soil. In 2-3 weeks you will see how they wither away. This method is suitable for cleaning neglected vegetable gardens. Herbicides can even deal with hogweed.

Herbicides for weed control. Illustration for the article is used from the site

Herbicide groups and specificity of work

As mentioned above, there are two types of herbicides: continuous and selective. So when and which ones are best to use? If you got a plot where no agricultural crops have been planted for a long time, and it is completely overgrown, then it is better to treat all plants with a broad-spectrum substance.

In areas near the house, flower beds, lawns, on roadsides, weeds are destroyed by selective herbicides. They, in turn, are divided into systemic (destroy the roots), contact (infect plant leaves and spread further) and soil (work with the soil, depriving the weeds of the opportunity to grow).

Choose according to the type of weed. If the harmful plants are diverse, then get ready to process the garden more than once.

How to choose herbicides

Consider the following points to find the right processing agents:

  • "Gezagard" is used on vegetable beds with carrots, beans, celery and parsley. It selectively destroys weeds that interfere with the growth of vegetables;
  • "Pivot" is used to protect the beds of soybeans and peas;
  • Lontrel-300 D is a selective herbicide specially developed for cleaning lawns and cereal fields;
  • "Tornado" destroys all weeds indiscriminately. It is a continuous preparation, so they need to cultivate the land before sowing.

Do you know how to successfully control weeds with herbicides?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

You can also read about the design of perennial flower beds in the following article:How to arrange a flowerbed of perennials