Common diseases of onions and garlic

  • Dec 13, 2020
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Good afternoon, my reader. Onions and garlic grown in the same garden will get worse every year, losing their size and flavor. These crops are very sensitive to crop rotation.

Onion. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Onion. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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The most common diseases

Although onions and garlic have antibacterial qualities, just like other crops, they can be susceptible to various diseases. Plant diseases and their treatment can be one of the main problems of a summer resident who made mistakes during planting or care.

Mosaic is one of the most common diseases. It is a viral disease that damages the buds and leaves of garlic and onions. Small stripes or dots appear on green feathers. Also, the leaves gradually become "corrugated", after which they begin to wither over time. The affected bulbs are pulled out and then germinated.

The cause of the disease is the garlic mite. To protect the culture from it, it is necessary to purchase only high-quality planting material. If damaged plants appear in the garden, then they must be removed immediately.

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Green mold is another disease that often affects garlic. Infected during storage. The main signs of infection:

  • emptiness inside;
  • lesions in the form of spots;
  • lethargy and softness of the teeth.
Development factors are dampness and coolness in the room where the garlic is stored.

Rust is a disease caused by fungus. Symptoms can be seen during plant growth. Bulging spots appear on the arrows, which are pale yellow. Gradually, these spots acquire a dark color. To protect planting, it is important to observe the hydrothermal regime. In the open field, it is undesirable to irrigate them with cold water.

Rust on onions. Illustration for the article is used from

Fungal diseases and harmful insects

Aspergillosis is a serious, crop-damaging disease. This fungus attacks the bulb. If foci are found, the infected bulbs must be removed immediately. In addition, the rest of the bed must be sprayed with weak potassium permanganate.

This disease first affects the husk, after which it moves to the bulb itself. It gradually becomes covered with black spores and becomes soft. Most often, unripe or poorly dried bulbs are infected. Bulbs are spread mainly by air.

Stemphiliosis disease affects leeks and onions. This is a fungal disease, the presence of which can be judged by purple spots and pinkish bloom. In the affected areas, the arrows begin to break. Deformation of seeds also occurs. Stemphiliosis usually occurs at high temperatures during a drought.

This fungus can infect the bulbs for a long time. To prevent disease, you must follow the watering regimen. Also, use only warm water.

Onions can develop a rather serious disease called smut. When a disease occurs, swollen stripes appear. Most plants die before they even form bulbs. The disease often appears within the first two weeks after the first shoots appear.

The spores of this fungus can remain viable for up to 6 years. They begin to spread rapidly when the air temperature rises to at least +15 degrees.

Fungal diseases. Illustration for the article is used from

Preventive measures and treatment

In order to prevent diseases of crops, you should responsibly treat the issue of crop rotation. Plant onions and garlic in their original place no earlier than four years later. Planting early is also an effective prevention method.

Diseases of garlic spread quickly during storage if harvested unripe. Prevention of fungal infection consists in observing the correct storage conditions, as well as regularly checking the heads of garlic for any lesions.

Do you know how to deal with diseases of onions and garlic?

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