Seasonal Tree Pruning: Five Important Rules to Follow

  • Dec 13, 2020

Good afternoon, my reader. Seasonal pruning of fruit trees is practiced by many gardeners, because it significantly affects the increase in yield. In addition, in the process of pruning, plant crowns are formed - they are given an aesthetically more attractive look, and at the same time, dried and diseased branches are removed.

Pruning trees. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Pruning trees. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Despite the seeming technical simplicity of pruning, certain rules should be followed when carrying out it. Otherwise, you can damage the treated tree or bush, which will lead to its death. Among these rules are the following.

1. Trim time

In different climatic zones for the same plant species, it may not coincide. Therefore, when planning to prune trees in the garden, it will not be superfluous to clarify when and what kind of crop it is recommended to prune directly in your region.

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It is usually held in late autumn or early spring. At this time, the plants will not experience much stress, and the risk of their infection by the fungus, as well as the activity of pests, is minimal.

In autumn, the most favorable moment for pruning comes after the plant has completely got rid of the foliage. By this sign, one can understand that its growing season is over, and it has passed into the sleep stage.

2. Pruning technique

It is best to use a pruning shear for cutting small, thin branches; a lopper is suitable for branches about 2 cm in diameter. Thicker branches are cut with a hand saw.

Pruning trees. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Before cutting any of the branches, an incision is made on the lower side. This prevents the branch from breaking off under its own weight during further pruning.

The cut itself must be done so that it does not pass over the ring-shaped growths of the bark at the base of the branches. Also, you cannot remove the top of the tree, even if it seems too high, and there is a desire to limit its height. All this can negatively affect the culture.

3. Choosing where to cut branches

It is necessary to cut each branch at some distance from the trunk - usually a few centimeters. A small knot should remain in its place.

4. Correct knot shortening

If the length of the remaining knot does not suit something (for example, it interferes with the formation of the crown), it can be shortened, following the same rules as when pruning a branch. It is possible to cut close to the annular beads at the base, but it is important not to touch them.

Pruning trees. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

5. Instrument care.

All cutting tools used when pruning diseased branches (pruning shears, loppers, saws) before further work should be washed and disinfected, as it can become a carrier of disease to healthy branches. In addition, this procedure must be carried out after the complete pruning of each tree.

Alcohol is often used to disinfect instruments. To facilitate and speed up processing, it is recommended to use a container of such a size that the tool can be completely immersed in it.

In the course of work, one should not forget about one's own safety. Clothing should be chosen with long sleeves, while it should not be loose (so that its edges do not cling to knots); gloves and goggles are also useful. If you intend to use a ladder, then it is imperative to check its serviceability and stability.

Do you prune trees in winter?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

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