Raspberry branches dry up: what is the reason and what to do

  • Dec 13, 2020
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Good afternoon, my reader. There are several reasons why raspberry twigs can dry out: natural and unnatural, and this is often dangerous. Having understood the problem, you need to take action, if, of course, there is a need for this.

Raspberry. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Raspberry. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

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Do not confuse the process of lignification of the shoot with drying. If raspberry branches become hard and covered with cracked bark at the end of the fertile season, you shouldn't panic - this is normal. This is a natural preparation for frost. It's another matter if the branches begin to crack in early or mid-summer. It is possible that the plant does not have enough water, or there is not enough necessary substances in the ground. It is also possible that raspberries were simply fertilized in excessive quantities. In this case, drying (and other processes that are difficult to notice) are dangerous and can negatively affect the quality of the fruit.

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When the reason is a lack of moisture, the problem can be solved without much effort, simply by setting up regular watering (preferably drip). The most important thing is not to allow the top layer of the earth to dry out, since there are raspberry roots. If premature drying occurs due to the lack of the required amount of nutrients elements in the soil (such as nitrogen, calcium, iron or manganese), a complex fertilizer. Fertilizer "Humate +7 Microelements" is perfect.

If it's not about watering and inorganic substances, you should carefully look at the shoots in search of the cause.

Drying can be caused by pests: phytopathogenic fungi or small insects - gall midges. The latter are often found in small cracks that have already formed in the crust. It is there that they lay the larvae, which subsequently destroy the protective tissues of the shoots: they secrete a poisonous substance, because of it, tiny bumps - galls - form on the stems. This is fraught with the colonization of fungi in damaged areas. Most often, the plant "attacks" the fungus with the popular name purple spot. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, the plant may die.

Raspberry branches dry up. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

If you find a fungus on raspberries, the affected areas must be cut off and burned immediately. If it's about gall midges, bitoxybaccellin solution will help get rid of pests: it is necessary to dissolve 90-100 grams of the drug in 10 liters of water. Process the plants regularly, taking into account that one shrub requires about 2.5 liters of solution. 5-7 days before harvesting, it is worth repeating the treatment.

If fungal formations are found, as mentioned earlier, the branches must be burned. To prevent the fungus from spreading, use drugs such as Chistoflor, Agrolekar, Topaz or Profile. Be sure to read the instructions for use.

Insects settle in cracks or other mechanical damage. If you accidentally break the bark of a branch, cut it straight and sprinkle it with charcoal or ash.

It often happens that the roots of raspberries turn black from the bottom up due to the activity of the beetle larva - the beetle. It lives in the ground and feeds on plant roots. In this case, it will not be possible to save the bush, but the spread of the pest can be avoided by treating the ground with the Zemlin substance.

If, in addition to the stem, other plant organs are affected, the problem lies much deeper and it is unlikely to be solved. So that raspberries are not damaged and bear fruit for a long time, you should carefully monitor them: water, fertilize, carry out preventive measures.

Do you know why raspberry leaves dry?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

Read about raspberry cuttings in the following article:How to get new raspberry seedlings without costs using cuttings