Features of pruning remontant raspberries

  • Dec 13, 2020
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Good afternoon, my reader. In recent years, remontant raspberries have become more common among gardeners. However, it is not surprising, because it is less picky about climatic conditions and other stresses, and fruiting begins earlier. And the fruits themselves are sweeter and larger than ordinary raspberries.

Raspberry. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Raspberry. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

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It is also easier to take care of this bush, but it is worth paying attention to one nuance of proper care for remontant raspberries - their preparation for the winter period.

Pruning is an essential part of caring for remontant raspberries. This is different from the way you trim regular raspberries. A shrub with remontant properties has a one-year life cycle of branches - berries ripen on new shoots in autumn. Since the aerial part lives only a year, and the next these shoots will no longer bear berries, all branches of the remontant raspberry are cut almost to the root. In ordinary raspberries, up to 5 strong shoots are left for fruiting next year.

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Raspberry. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

There are few features when pruning remontant raspberries:

  1. Although it was mentioned earlier that remontant raspberries bear fruit once a year, two harvests can be achieved - summer and autumn. To do this, do not cut old shoots at the root - it is important that they are strong enough, otherwise they will not survive the winter - they are only cut a little, like ordinary raspberries. In March or April, in order to improve health, cut off all damaged, frozen and dry branches of the bush. At the same time, you can make molding pruning - remove interfering shoots.
If you decide to try to get a double harvest, you need to take into account that, firstly, this will reduce both the yield and the taste of the fruit - they will become more watery.

Secondly, summer is the period of development of the raspberry beetle, and the berries will become food for the larvae. As a result, both of these factors will lead to the weakening of the plant itself, and over time to the loss of its remontant properties by the raspberry.

Pruning raspberries. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
  1. It is necessary to cut the raspberries of the remontant varieties at the root. Shoots can be burned or crushed for humus. This point is very important if you want to get a large and whole berry next August or September.

Instead of old shoots in spring, up to 10 fresh shoots can grow, which will bear fruit by autumn. In general, it will be more productive to get one bountiful and tasty harvest of raspberries than to try to return the plant to its properties later.

  1. Pruning time - cuts are best done in late autumn, completely removing the aerial part. The time for work was not chosen by chance, it is better if it will be already November - the leaves of the bush should fall off and buds of renewal should appear. Sometimes, if required, spring pruning is carried out, but it is more likely to be of a sanitary nature. During the growing season, it is better to remove young growth, this will preserve the plant's nutrients.
If raspberries are planted in summer or winter, have not had time to bear fruit, then the shoots are left 20 cm high, and the rest is cut off.

That's all the features of pruning remontant raspberries. Everything is much easier than it seems at first glance.

Do you know the rules for pruning remontant raspberries?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

Read about raspberry cuttings in the following article:How to get new raspberry seedlings without costs using cuttings