Good afternoon, my reader. When autumn comes outside the window, and the whole harvest has already been harvested, people start pickling cabbage. If your method is not to do all the work at once, but to divide it into small parts, then December is also a great month for this.
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In order to get a juicy and high-quality product, you need to carefully observe not only the technology preparation, but also follow the lunar calendar so as not to miss anything and know what day of the month it is better to do.
The influence of the moon on the process of pickling cabbage
Even in ancient times, people noticed that the change in the lunar phases plays an important role in the life and work of every person. When a satellite passes through the constellations of signs, then there is an activation or attenuation of the natural processes taking place on our planet. This also affects the speed and quality of fermentation. This action can be either positive or negative. Therefore, cabbage should be fermented on certain days that the lunar calendar shows. If you follow these rules, then the result will be a juicy and crispy piece that will delight you and your family for a long time.
Countless observations have revealed that the new moon in the last month of the year is the worst time to prepare snacks. The fermentation process during this period becomes the slowest, and the microorganisms necessary for the formation of lactic acid completely lose their activity, becoming useless. Vegetables cooked during this period turn out to be overly soft and liquid, which spoils their taste.
The full moon is also not the best choice for fermentation: the activity of microorganisms jumps so much that the fermentation process happens at an incredible speed, but the negative side of such a day is that the workpieces will be stored very not for long. The first days after the full moon are the best choice. Then the appetizer will turn out to be juicy, aromatic and tasty, and it will be possible to store it for a long time.
Choosing cabbage
The most suitable variety for decoration is a white-headed medium-late or late-ripening variety. Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and other types of cabbage are not used for fermentation. It is best to take heads of cabbage that have been preserved in the garden before the start of frost, they contain the most useful substances, including sugar, which accelerates the fermentation process.
In the regions of the north, they prefer to use cabbage of medium growing season. It has a hard head, and the leaves have enough sugar. But at the same time, the appetizer does not always turn out the way we would like.
Lucky days according to the lunar calendar
Not only does the phase of the moon matter, its position relative to the zodiacal constellations is also important. Astrologers believe that it is most successful to make blanks when the Moon is in the house of Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Taurus and Capricorn. The month must be growing for everything to work out. There was no consensus on the days of the week. Someone thinks that it is more successful to do this on "men's" days, while others, on the contrary, on "women's" days. Some housewives prefer Friday, claiming that it is on this day that the preparation comes out most delicious. So, the most successful days in December 2020 are:
- December 15-16, when the Moon is in the constellation Capricorn;
- 23-24 number, constellation Aries;
- December 25-26, Moon in the house of Taurus.
Most unlucky days
During fermentation, certain bacteria are activated, which contributes to the formation of lactic acid. When the month decreases, their activity decreases significantly, so it is better to postpone the cooking process to another time. The position of the companion in relation to the zodiac signs is also very important. If the Moon is in the constellation Pisces, Cancer and Virgo, then it is also worth transferring the fermentation.
According to the lunar calendar, the most unfortunate days in December 2020 fall on the 1st - 14th of the month and 31st.
When to harvest cabbage
Each variety of cabbage has its own harvesting period, which sometimes takes several months. But it is important to remember that it is important not only what the weather is outside the window, but also information from the lunar calendar, which will be an excellent guide. If you plan to ferment cabbage in the first month of winter, then you should remove it in the fall, when the moon is waning. The most successful days are in November 1 and 7-10. Trust me, harvesting these days, you can't go wrong.
Do you know when to cook lunar sauerkraut in December?
Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.
Read about cabbage pests in the following article:How to save cabbage from pests with plain vinegar